Papers and Chapters in Books:

  1. Taimoor Khan and Yahia M.M. Antar, Band-Notch Characteristics in Ultra-Wideband Antennas CRC Press, Taylor & Francis Group, Florida, USA, 2021, ISBN: 978-0-367-75472-3, 9th June 2021.
  2. Taimoor Khan, Nasimuddin and Yahia M.M. Antar, Elements of Radio Frequency Energy Harvesting and Wireless Power Transfer Systems, CRC Press, Taylor & Francis Group, Florida, USA, 2020, ISBN: 978-0-367-24678-5, 12 Nov. 2020.
  3. C. Saha, J.Y. Siddiqui, and Y.M.M. Antar, Multifunctional Ultrawideband Antennas: Trends, Techniques and Applications, Taylor & Francis Group, Boca Raton, Florida, ISBN 13-13:978-1-138-55354-5 2018.
  4. Said Mikki and Yahia Antar, Spatial Structures of Electromagnetic Fields: A new Approach to the Foundations of Applied Electromagnetic Theory, Artech House, July 2016.
  5. D. Guha and Y.M.M. Antar (editors), Microstrip and Printed Antennas New Trends, Techniques and Applications, Wiley Int. Sc., U.K. 2010.
  6. D. Guha, S. Biswas and Y.M.M. Antar, Defected Ground Structure For Microstrip Antennas, Ch.12 in Microstrip and Printed Antennas: New Trends, Techniques and Applications, Eds. D. Guha and Y.M.M. Antar, John Wiley and Sons, 2010
  7. S.F. Mahmoud and Y.M.M. Antar, Printed Leaky Wave Antennas, Ch.13 in Microstrip and Printed Antennas: New Trends, Techniques and Applications, Eds. D. Guha and Y.M.M. Antar, John Wiley and Sons, 2010
  8. Ahmed A. Kishk and Y.M.M. Antar, Dielectric Resonator Antennas, Chapter 17, Antenna Engineering Handbook, Wiley May 2007.
  9. Y.M.M. Antar with A. Petosa and A. Ittipiboon, Rectangular Dielectric Resonator Antenna: Theory and Experiment, Chapter 8 and Wideband Dielectric Resonator Antenna, Chapter 9, Dielectric Resonator Antennas, edited by K.M. Luk and K.W. Leung, Research Studies Press Ltd, U.K., September 2003.
  10. D. Cheng and Y.M.M. Antar, Vector Wave Functions in Gyromagnetic Uniaxial Medium and Applications, Progression In Electromagnetics Research, edited by J.A. Kong, for Vol. 20, pp. 299-233, 1998.
  11. Fan, Y.M.M. Antar, N. Sultan and G. Séguin, Dual Polarized Rectangular Dielectric Resonator Antenna, in Directions for the Next Generation of MMIC Devices and Systems, edited by N.K. Das and H.L .Bertoni, Plenum Press, New York, 1997.
  12. Y.M.M. Antar, Polarimetric Radar Applications to Meteorology, in Direct and Inverse Methods in Radar Polarimetry, Kluwer Academic Publishers, Series C: Mathematical and Physical Sciences, part 2, 1992. pp 1683-1696.
  13. Y.M.M. Antar, A.A. Kishk, L. Shafai and L.E. Allan, Backscattering from Dielectric Targets with Axial Symmetry, in Radar Cross Sections of Complex Objects, Edited by W. Ross Stone, IEEE Press, March 1990, pp. 65-75.


  1. Antar, Y.M.M., Radio Frequency Signal Generator, B.Sc. Thesis, Electrical Engineering Department, Alexandria University. 1966.
  2. Antar, Y.M.M., Pulse Scattering from a Grounded Dielectric Slab, M.Sc. Thesis, University of Manitoba. 1971.
  3. Antar, Y.M.M., Continuous and Pulsed Electromagnetic Gaussian Beam Scattering at a Planar Interface, Ph.D. Thesis, University of Manitoba, Winnipeg, Man. 1975.
© 2025 Dr Yahia M M Antar