
  1. J. C. Dash, D. Sarkar, Y. M. M. Antar, “Design of Series-fed Patch Array with Modified Binomial Coefficients for MIMO Radar Application,” accepted for presentation at the 2021 IEEE International Symposium on Antennas and Propagation and USNC-URSI Radio Science Meeting, Marina Bay Sands, Singapore, 4-10 December 2021.
  2. D. Ganguly, Y. Antar, P. Ganguly, J. Siddiqui, D. Sarkar, C. Saha, “Selection of Suitable Inorganic/Organic Substrate for In-Body Antenna Implants: Impact on Antenna Characteristics in Deep Tissue Environment,” accepted for presentation at the 2021 IEEE International Symposium on Antennas and Propagation and USNC-URSI Radio Science Meeting, Marina Bay Sands, Singapore, 4-10 December 2021.
  3. A. Pal, A. Ghosh, Chinmoy Saha, Debdeep Sarkar, Yahia Antar, Jawad Siddiqui, “SIW-fed Metallic Cap Loaded Cylindrical DRA Array Antenna for 5G mm-wave Applications,” accepted for presentation at the 2021 IEEE International Symposium on Antennas and Propagation and USNC-URSI Radio Science Meeting, Marina Bay Sands, Singapore, 4-10 December 2021.
  4. Prajwal Patnaik, Chinmoy Saha, Jogesh Chandra Dash, Debdeep Sarkar, Yahia M. M. Antar, “Design of a Dual-Branch Dual-band Monopole Based MIMO Antenna for 5G mm-wave Smartphone Applications,” accepted for presentation at the 2021 IEEE International Symposium on Antennas and Propagation and USNC-URSI Radio Science Meeting, Marina Bay Sands, Singapore, 4-10 December 2021.
  5. Debdeep Sarkar and Yahia Antar, “Method-of-Moments (MoM) Based Approach for Characterizing Intelligent Reflecting Surface Aided Communication Systems,” accepted for presentation in URSIGASS (URSI General Assembly), Rome, Italy, Aug 28-Sep 4, 2021.
  6. Debdeep Sarkar and Yahia Antar, “Analysis of Mutual Coupling and Energy Exchange between Inter-digital Capacitor Loaded Monopoles using MoM and FDTD,” accepted for presentation in URSIGASS (URSI General Assembly), Rome, Italy, Aug 28-Sep 4, 2021.
  7. Debdeep Sarkar and Yahia Antar, “Near-field Energy Around Antennas: Research using FDTD Computed Poynting Localized Energy, Flow Velocity and Normalized Lagrangian,” accepted for presentation in URSIGASS (URSI General Assembly), Rome, Italy, Aug 28-Sep 4, 2021.
  8. Debdeep Sarkar, Debarati Ganguly, Chinmoy Saha, Jawad Siddiqui and Yahia Antar, “Comprehensive Study of Near-field Time-domain Channel Impulse Response for UWB Antenna Systems in Free-space,” accepted for presentation in URSIGASS (URSI General Assembly), Rome, Italy, Aug 28-Sep 4, 2021.
  9. Prapti Ganguly, Debdeep Ganguly, Debdeep Sarkar, Chinmoy Saha, Jawad Siddiqui and Yahia Antar, “Impact of Different Inorganic and Organic Biocompatible Substrates on the Performance of In-Body Implantable Antennas for Biomedical Telemetry: A Comparative Study,” accepted for presentation in URSIGASS (URSI General Assembly), Rome, Italy, Aug 28-Sep 4, 2021.
  1. Debdeep Sarkar, Said Mikki and Yahia Antar, “An FDTD-IDM-CGF Method for Investigating Correlation, Mutual Coupling and Energy Dynamics in Antenna Systems,” accepted for presentation in International Conference on Electromagnetics in Advanced Applications (ICEAA), jointly held with IEEE-APS Topical Conference on Antennas and Propagation in Wireless Communications (APWC), Granada, Spain, September 2019.
  2. S. Keerthipriya, Chinmoy Saha, Jawad Siddiqi, Yahia Antar, “Dual Tunable Multifunctional Reconfigurable Vivaldi Antenna for Cognitive/Multi-Standard Radio Applications”, 2019 IEEE AP-S/URSI, Atlanta, Georgia, 7-12 July 2019.
  3. Debarati Ganguly, Yahia Antar, Anil Somagni, Chinmoy Saha, “Design of an Antipodal Bowtie Array MIMO Antenna for 5G Mobile Applications”, 2019 IEEE AP-S/URSI, Atlanta, Georgia, 7-12 July 2019.
  4. Debdeep Sarkar, Said Mikki and Yahia Antar, “‘Fast and Efficient Estimation of Spatial Correlation Characteristics of Co-Located Dual-polarized Massive MIMO Arrays in 5G Base Stations,” accepted for presentation in TEQIP – III Sponsored International Conference on Microwave Integrated Circuits, Photonics and Wireless Networks (IMICPW), NIT Trichy, India, 2019.
  5. Debdeep Sarkar, Said Mikki and Yahia Antar, “Estimation of the Cross-Correlation Green’s Function for MIMO Systems,” accepted for presentation at the IEEE International Symposium on Antennas and Propagation and USNC-URSI Radio Science Meeting in Atlanta, Georgia, USA, 7-12 July 2019.
  6. Debdeep Sarkar, Said Mikki and Yahia Antar, “Consideration of Poynting Localized Energy Around Radiators: An FDTD-based Investigation,” accepted for presentation at the IEEE International Symposium on Antennas and Propagation and USNC-URSI Radio Science Meeting in Atlanta, Georgia, USA, 7-12 July 2019.
  7. Said Mikki, Debdeep Sarkar and Yahia Antar, “Beyond Antenna Q: On Reactive Energy and the Need for a Spatio-Temporal Dynamical Paradigm,” presented in 13th European Conference on Antennas and Propagation, Krakow, Poland, 31 March – 5 April, 2019.
  8. Debdeep Sarkar, Said M. Mikki, Kumar Vaibhav Srivastava and Yahia M. M. Antar, “Far-field Envelope Correlation Coefficient and Near-field Reactive Energy of MIMO Antennas: An FDTD-IDM-CGF Approach,” 019 URSI Asia-Pacific Radio Science Conference (AP-RASC 2019), New Delhi, India, 09-15 March, 2019.
  9. Samuel Blanchette, Joey R. Bray, Yahia M. M. Antar, “Development and Evaluation of Waveforms for EMI Radiated Susceptibility Testing of Avionic Systems”, 2018 IEEE Symposium on Electromagnetic Compatibility, Signal & Power Integrity, Long Beach, USA, July 30 – August 3, 2018.
  10. A. M. Alzahed, S. M. Mikki, Y. M. M. Antar, M. Clénet and S. Jovic, “Comparative Experimental Radar Target Characterization Data Using Spatial and Transient Singularity Expansion Methods”, IEEE Conference on Antenna Technology and Applied Electromagnetics International Symposium on Antenna Technology and Applied Electromagnetics (ANTEM), Waterloo, ON Aug. 19-22, 2018.
  11. Debdeep Sarkar, Said M. Mikki, Kumar Vaibhav Srivastava and Yahia M. M. Antar, “Cross-Correlation Green’s Function for Interaction Between Electric and Magnetic Current Sources,” Proceedings of 2018 IEEE International Symposium on Antennas and Propagation and USNC-URSI Radio Science Meeting (APS-URSI 2018), Boston, Massachusetts, USA, 08-13 July, 2018.
  12. Chandreyee Sarkar, Debatosh Guha, Yahia M. M. Antar, “New Approach of TE/TM Mode Based Rectangular Microstrip Patch Design for Pattern Diversity”, Proceedings of 2018 IEEE International Symposium on Antennas and Propagation and USNC-URSI Radio Science Meeting (APS-URSI 2018), Boston, Massachusetts, USA, 08-13 July, 2018.
  13. Jonathan Bathurst, Mostaga Hefnawi, Joey Bray and Yahia Antar, “Design Considerations for a Shipboard MIMO Radar for Surface Target Detection”, IEEE Radar Conference in Oklahoma City, 23-27 April 2018.
  14. Debdeep Sarkar, Said M. Mikki, Kumar Vaibhav Srivastava and Yahia M. M. Antar, “Analytical Approximation of the Time-dependent Antenna Cross-correlation Green’s Function,” Proceedings of European Conference on Antennas and Propagation (EuCAP 2018), London, UK, April 9-13, 2018.
  15. Debdeep Sarkar, Said M. Mikki, Abdelelah M. Alzahed, Kumar Vaibhav Srivastava, Yahia M. M. Antar, “New Considerations on Electromagnetic Energy in Antenna Near-Field by Time-Domain Approach”, IEEE AEMC 2017, MIT Aurangabad, India, Dec 19-22 2017.
  16. Debdeep Sarkar and Y.M.M. Antar, “A Wideband Switched Beam Antenna Array using Cavity-Backed Monopole Elements”, 2017 IEEE International Symposium on Antennas and Propagation and USNC-URSI Radio Science Meeting, Montreal, 19-26 August 2017.
  17. A. M. Alzahed, S. M. Mikki, Y. M. M. Antar, Design Of Nonlinear Mutual Coupling Operator For Antenna Arrays Using A Novel Acgf-Deep-Learning Technology”, 2017 IEEE International Symposium on Antennas and Propagation and USNC-URSI Radio Science Meeting, Montreal, 19-26 August 2017.
  18. S. M. Mikki, A.M. Alzahed and Y.M.M. Antar, “Radiation Energy of Antenna Fields: Critique and a Solution Through Recoverable Energy”, 2017 IEEE International Symposium on Antennas and Propagation and USNC-URSI Radio Science Meeting, Montreal, 19-26 August 2017.
  19. G. Behera, S. M. Mikki, Y.M.M. Antar “Design Of CNT-Based Perfect Absorbers Over SWIR to LWIR Frequencies ror Sensing Applications”, 2017 IEEE International Symposium on Antennas and Propagation and USNC-URSI Radio Science Meeting, Montreal, 19-26 August 2017.
  20. E. Merkley, B. Jackson, C. Saavedra1, Y. Antar, “A Wideband Switched Beam Antenna Array Using Cavity-Backed Monopole Elements”, 2017 IEEE International Symposium on Antennas and Propagation and USNC-URSI Radio Science Meeting, Montreal, 19-26 August 2017.
  21. J. N. Bathurst, M. Hefnawi, J. R. Bray, Y. M. Antar, “Mimo Radar Simulation Using Simulink”, 2017 IEEE International Symposium on Antennas and Propagation and USNC-URSI Radio Science Meeting, Montreal, 19-26 August 2017.
  22. Debatosh Guha, Debarati Ganguly, Sumesh George, Yahia M.M. Antar, “Monopole of Decade Bandwidth Realized from a New Metal-dielectric Hybrid Structure”, 2017 IEEE AP-S/URSI Conference, San Diego, CA July 9-14 2017.
  23. Debatosh Guha, Poulomi Gupta, Chandrakanta Kumar, Yahia M.M. Antar, “Inverted Stair Case/Hat Shaped Dielectric Resonator Antenna: High Gain Design with Higher Order Mode”, 2017 IEEE AP-S/URSI Conference, San Diego, CA July 9-14 2017.
  24. David Comite, Symon K. Podilchak, Paolo Baccarelli, Paolo Burghignoli, Alessandro Galli, Al P. Freundorfer, Yahia M.M. Antar, “Dispersive Analysis of a Dual-layer Planar Structure for Leaky-Wave Antenna Applications”, 2017 IEEE AP-S/URSI Conference, San Diego, CA July 9-14 2017.
  25. Chittajit Sarkar, Latheer A Shaik, Jawa Y Siddiqui, Chinmoy Saha, Yahia M.M. Antar, “Balanced Antipodal Tapered Slot Antenna with Low Cross-Polarization Radiation”, 2017 IEEE AP-S/URSI Conference, San Diego, CA July 9-14 2017.
  26. Eric Merkley, Brad Jackson, Carlos Saavedra, Yahia Antar, “A Compact Cavity-Backed Monopole Antenna for UWB Applications”, 2017 IEEE AP-S/URSI Conference, San Diego, CA July 9-14 2017.
  27. Said Mikki, Saion Sinha, Gangadhar Behera, Christopher Morris, Yahia Antar, “A Phenomenological Electromagnetic Theory of CNT-DNA Metabiomaterials for Application to Biosensing and DNA Sequencing”, 2017 IEEE AP-S/URSI Conference, San Diego, CA July 9-14 2017.
  28. Said Mikki, Abdelelah Alzahed, Ahmed Hanoon, John Persano, Jocely Aulin, Yahia Ahtar, “Theory of Electromagnetic Intelligent Agents with Applications to MIMO and DoA Systems, 2017 IEEE AP-S/URSI Conference, San Diego, CA July 9-14 2017.
  29. Mahmoud, S.F., Podilchak, S., Freundorfer, A.P. & Antar, Y.M.M., The role of surface waves in design of planar leaky wave antennas, 2016 46th European Microwave Conference (EuMC). IEEE, p. 783-786 4 p. 19 Jan 2017
  30. Said M. Mikki and Yahia Antar, “Unifying electromagnetic and communication theories: A proposal for a new research program”, 2016 URSI International Symposium on Electromagnetic Theory (EMTS), Espoo, Finland, 14-16 August 2016.
  31. Slobodan Jović, Michel Clénet and Yahia Antar, “Aperture Coupled Hybrid Dielectric Resonator Antenna with an EBG Back Plane”, ANTEM 2016, 17th International Symposium on Antenna Technology and Applied Electromagnetics, Montreal, July 10-13, 2016.
  32. Mina Wahib and Yahia M.M. Antar, “An Electrically Small Antenna Fully Embedded in an LTCC Substrate Suitable for SoP Integration”, ANTEM 2016, 17th International Symposium on Antenna Technology and Applied Electromagnetics, Montreal, July 10-13, 2016.
  33. David Lee, Jafar Shaker and Yahia M.M. Antar, “An Antenna for Switch Beam, Multi-Beam Millimetre-Wave Cellular Systems”, ANTEM 2016, 17th International Symposium on Antenna Technology and Applied Electromagnetics, Montreal, July 10-13, 2016.
  34. Jawad Y. Siddiqui, Priyanka Natani, Latheef A. Shaik, Chinmoy Saha and Yahia Y.Y.M. Antar, “Dual Frequency Notched Coplanar Tapered Slot Antenna Using Split Ring Resonators on Modified Slotlines”, ANTEM 2016, 17th International Symposium on Antenna Technology and Applied Electromagnetics, Montreal, July 10-13, 2016.
  35. Priyanka Natani, Latheef A. Shaik, Chinmoy Saha, Jawad Y. Siddiqui and Y. M. M. Antar, “Dual frequency notched coplanar tapered slot antenna using split ring resonators on modified slotline”, 17th International Symposium on Antenna Technology and Applied Electromagnetics, Montreal, July 10-13, 2016.
  36. Abdelelah Alzahed, Said Mikki and Yahia M.M. Antar, “An Innovative Method of Mutual Coupling Compensation for DOA Estimation”, ANTEM 2016, 17th International Symposium on Antenna Technology and Applied Electromagnetics, Montreal, July 10-13, 2016.
  37. Asim Ghalib, Sebastien Clauzier, Mohammad S. Sharawi and Yahia M.M. Antar, “A slotted waveguide based MIMO antenna system for wireless access points”, 2016 IEEE International Symposium on Antennas and Propagation (APSURSI), Puerto Rico, 26 June – 1 July 2016.
  38. Brendan K Montgomery, Symon K. Podilchak and Yahia M.M. Antar, “Circularly polarized meshed patch antenna for cubesats and other small satellites” 2016 IEEE International Symposium on Antennas and Propagation (APSURSI), Puerto Rico, 26 June – 1 July 2016.
  39. Abdelelah M. Alzahed, Said M. Mikki and Yahia Antar, Stored energy in general antenna system: A new approach, 10th European Conference on Antennas and Propagation (EuCAP), Davos Switzerland, 10-15 April 2016.
  40. Sebastien Clauzier, Said M. Mikki, Atif Shamim and Yahia M.M. Antar, “A new method for the design of slot antenna arrays: Theory and experiment”, 10th European Conference on Antennas and Propagation (EuCAP), Davos Switzerland, 10-15 April 2016.
  41. Mohamed T. Hussain, Mohammad S. Sharawi, Symon Podilchack and Yahia M. M. Antar”, “Closely packed millimeter-wave MIMO antenna arrays with dielectric resonator elements”, 10th European Conference on Antennas and Propagation (EuCAP), Davos Switzerland, 10-15 April 2016
  42. Said M. Mikki and Yahia M.M. Antar, “Reactive energy and the near-field in systems general antenna”, 2016 33rd National Radio Science Conference, Aswan Egypt, 22-25 February 2016.
  43. Sebastien Clauzier, Said Mikki and Yahia Antar, “Generalized Methodology for Antenna design through optimal Infinitesimal Dipole Model,” IEEE ICEAA, Turin, Italy, September, 2015.
  44. S. K. Podilchak, J. Shaker, R. Chaharmir and Y. M. M. Antar, “Microwave waveguide transitions using planar anisotropic image guides”, 2015 International Conference on Electromagnetics in Advanced Applications (ICEAA), Turin Italy, 7-11 Sept. 2015.
  45. Said Mikki and Yahia Antar, “The Antenna Current Green’s Function as an Alternative Method to Conventional Full-Wave Analysis Solvers: An Outline,” IEEE NEMO, Ottawa, August, 2015.
  46. Said Mikki and Yahia Antar, “Reactive energy, localized energy, and stored energy: the fundamental differences and Proposals for New Experiments,” IEEE APS 2015, Vancouver, July 19-24, 2015.
  47. Said Mikki and Yahia Antar, “New perspectives on fundamental electromagnetic theory and applications”, IEEE APS 2015, Vancouver, July 19-24, 2015.
  48. Sebastien Clauzier, Said Mikki and Yahia Antar, “Design of Near-Field Synthesis Systems through Arrays of Small Antennas,” IEEE APS 2015, Vancouver, July 19-24, 2015.
  49. Sebastien Clauzier, Said Mikki and Yahia Antar, “Design of High-Diversity Gain MIMO Antenna Arrays through Surface Current Optimization,” IEEE APS 2015, Vancouver, July 19-24, 2015.
  50. Sebastien Clauzier, Said Mikki and Yahia Antar, “A Method to Obtain Current Distributions on Small Antennas with Optimum Directivity,” IEEE APS 2015, Vancouver, July 19-24, 2015.
  51. Said M. Mikki and Yahia Antar, “Reactive, localized, and stored energies: The fundamental differences and proposals for new experiments”, IEEE APS 2015, Vancouver, July 19-24, 2015.
  52. Mohamed T. Hussain, Oualid Hammi, Mohammad S. Sharawi, Symon K. Podilchak and Yahia M.M. Antar, “A dielectric resonator based millimeter-wave MIMO antenna array for hand-held devices”, IEEE APS 2015, Vancouver, July 19-24, 2015.
  53. Said Mikki and Yahia Antar, “Aspects of Generalized Electromagnetic Energy Exchange in Antenna Systems: A New Approach to Mutual Coupling,” Euccap 2015, Lisbon, April 2015.
  54. Francois Sarrazin, Said Mikki and Yahia Antar, “Study of Dipole Antennas’ Characteristic Modes Through the Antenna Current Green’s Function and the Singularity Expansion Method,” EuCap 2015, Lisbon, April 2015.
  55. Said Mikki and Yahia Antar, “On Electromagnetic Radiation in Nonlocal Environments—Steps Toward a Theory of Near Field Engineering,” EuCap 2015, Lisbon, April 2015.
  56. S.K. Podilchak, J. Shaker, R. Chaharmir, and Y.M.M. Antar, “Analysis and Design of Polarization Sensitive Planar Guides,” IEEE APS-URSI 2015, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada, July 2015.
  57. M.T. Hussain, O. Hammi, M.S. Sharawi, S.K. Podilchak, and Y.M.M. Antar, “A Dielectric Resonator Based Millimeter-Wave MIMO Antenna Array for Hand-Held Devices,” IEEE APS-URSI 2015, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada, July 2015. (Invited Paper for the Special Session: “Millimeter-Wave Antenna Arrays for 5G Wireless Handheld Devices)
  58. Chinmoy Saha, Latheef Ahmed Shaik, Jawad Y. Siddiqui and Y. M. M. Antar, “An ultra wideband (UWB) printed slotted monopole antenna with multi-functional characteristics”, IEEE APS-URSI 2015, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada, July 2015.
  59. Chinmoy Saha, Latheef Ahmed Shaik, Jawad Y. Siddiqui and Y. M. M. Antar, “UWB printed monopole antenna with controllable multi notch function using rotational circular SRRs”, IEEE APS-URSI 2015, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada, July 2015.
  60. M.S. Sharawi, S.K. Podilchak, and Y.M.M. Antar, “A Low Profile Dual-Band DRA-Based MIMO Antenna System for Wireless Access Points,” IEEE APS-URSI 2015, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada, July 2015.
  61. S.K. Podilchak, J. Shaker, R. Chaharmir, and Y.M.M. Antar, “Polarization Responsive Guides by Artificial Line Anisotropy,” Atlantic Radio Science Conference, Gran Canaria, Spain, May 2015.
  62. S. Alayet, J. Y. Siddiqui, Y.M.M. Antar and Ali Gharsallah, “Characterization of UWB antipodal Tapered Slot Antenna using Wave Concept Iterative Procedure”, Atlantic Radio Science Conference, Gran Canaria, Spain, May 2015.
  63. S.K. Podilchak, J. Johnstone, M. Clenet, and Y.M.M. Antar, “A Compact Hybrid Dielectric Resonator Antenna with a Meandered Slot Ring and Cavity Backing Offering Wideband Operation,” EuCAP 2015, Lisbon, Portugal, Apr. 2015. 
  64. Said M. Mikki and Yahia M.M. Antar, “On electromagnetic radiation in nonlocal environments – Steps toward a theory of near field engineering”, EuCAP 2015, Lisbon, Portugal, Apr. 2015.
  65. S.K. Podilchak, P. Baccarelli, P. Burghignoli, A.P. Freundorfer, and Y.M.M. Antar, “A Circuits-Based Modeling Approach for Leaky-Wave Antennas using a Transverse Equivalent Network Representation,” URSI 2014 General Assembly, Beijing, China, Aug. 2014.
  66. S.K. Podilchak, S.F. Mahmoud, A.P. Freundorfer, and Y.M.M. Antar, “Full-Wave Analysis of Planar Surface-Wave Launchers Offering Efficient Surface-Wave Excitation and Guiding Structure Feeding,” URSI 2014 General Assembly, Beijing, China, Aug. 2014.
  67. S.K. Podilchak, P. Baccarelli, P. Burghignoli, A.P. Freundorfer, and Y.M.M. Antar, “A Sectored Planar Periodic Leaky-Wave Antenna Fed by a Printed Surface-Wave Source,” IEEE APS-URSI 2014, Memphis, Tennessee, July 2014.
  68. J. Johnstone, S.K. Podilchak, M. Clenet, and Y.M.M. Antar, “A Compact Dielectric Resonator Antenna for MIMO Applications,” IEEE APS-URSI 2014, Memphis, Tennessee, July 2014.
  69. C. Saha, J.Y. Siddiqui, Y.M.M. Antar, “Multilayered Stacked Square SRR Coupled UWB Monopole Antenna with Dual Notch Function” Dig. 2014 IEEE International Symposium on Antennas and Propagation and USNC-URSI Radio Sc. Meeting, Memphis, TN, July 2014.
  70. S.K. Podilchak, M. Clenet, and Y.M.M. Antar, “A Hybrid Dielectric Resonator Antenna with Polarization-Agility and Wideband Operation,” EuCAP 2014, The Hague, The Netherlands, Apr. 2014.
  71. S.K. Podilchak, P. Baccarelli, P. Burghignoli, A.P. Freundorfer, and Y.M.M. Antar, “Optimization of Planar Periodic Leaky-Wave Antennas by Selective Surface-Wave Suppression,” EuCAP 2014, The Hague, The Netherlands, Apr. 2014.
  72. S.K. Podilchak, L. Matekovits, A.P. Freundorfer, and Y.M.M. Antar, “A Leaky Width-Modulated Microstrip Line Based Antenna with Sub-Wavelength Ground Plane Slots for Suppressing Substrate Anisotropy,” EuCAP 2014, The Hague, The Netherlands, Apr. 2014.
  73. S. Henault, S.K. Podilchak, S. Mikki, and Y.M.M. Antar, “Coupling Estimation in Receiving Antenna Systems for Array Calibration,” EuCAP 2014, The Hague, The Netherlands, Apr. 2014
  74. S.K. Podilchak, Y.M.M. Antar, and A.P. Freundorfer, “Low Cost Surface-Wave Power Routing for New Planar Antennas and Circuits,” European Cooperation in Science and Tech. (COST) Conference, Ghent, Belgium, Sept. 9-10, 2013. (Invited Paper)
  75. Said M. Mikki and Yahia Antar, “Morphogenesis of electromagnetic radiation in the near field zone,” Asia Pacific Radio Science conference (URSI), September 2-7, Taipei, Taiwan, 2013
  76. D. Guha, A. Banerjee, C. Kumar and Y. M. M. Antar, “Dielectric Resonator Antennas with Defected Ground Plane: A Promise for New Applications”, Proc. 2nd Asia-Pacific Conference on Antennas and Propagation, Chiang Mai, Thailand, August 5-7, 2013.
  77. S.K. Podilchak, Y.M.M. Antar, and A.P. Freundorfer, “Analysis and Design of Planar Metallic Surface Lenses for Controlled Wave Guidance,” IEEE APS-URSI 2013, Orlando, Florida, USA, July 7-13, 2013. (Invited Paper and Honorable Mention in the Student Paper Competition)
  78. S.K. Podilchak, A.P. Freundorfer, Y.M.M. Antar, L. Matekovits, and M. Orefice, “Controlled Leaky-Wave Radiation by Surface-Wave Launching and Microstrip Width-Modulation,” IEEE APS-URSI 2013, Orlando, Florida, USA, July 7-13, 2013.
  79. D. Guha, H. Gajera, C. Kumar and Y.M.M. Antar, “Dielectric Resonator Antenna with Metallic Perturbation: Investigation into Modal Fields and New Radiation Properties”, Digest IEEE Antennas and Propagation Society International Symposium (APSURSI), Orlando (Fl), USA, pp.1-2, July 7-13, 2013.
  80. J.Y. Siddiqui, C. Saha and Y.M.M. Antar, “Compact SRR Loaded UWB Circular Monopole Antenna with Reconfigurable Characteristics”, Digest IEEE Antennas and Propagation Society International Symposium (APSURSI), Orlando (FL.), USA, p.1, July 7-13, 2013.
  81. J.Y. Siddiqui, S. Datta and Y.M.M. Antar, “Tunable Differentially Fed Inverted Microstrip Patch Antenna”, Digest IEEE Antennas and Propagation Society International Symposium (APSURSI), Orlando (Fl), USA, pp.1-2, July 7-13, 2013.
  82. Said Mikki and Yahia Antar “A Topological Approach for the Analysis of the Structure of Electromagnetic Flow in the Antenna Near-Field Zone,” IEEE Antennas & propagation/URSI, Orlando, FL, July 7-13, 2013.
  83. D. Guha, A. Banerjee, C. Kumar, Y.M.M. Antar, “Investigation of a Cylindrical Dielectric Resonator Antenna Excited with a Higher Order Mode”, Digest IEEE Antennas and Propagation Society International Symposium (APSURSI), Chicago Illinois, USA pp.1-2, 8-12 July 2012.
  84. D. Rialet, S.K. Podilchak, M. Clenet and Y.M.M. Antar, “Characterization of Compact Disc UWB Monopole Antennas Using the Singularity Expansion Method”, IEEE Conference on UWB, Syracuse, New York, Sept. 17, 2012. (Invited Paper)
  85. S. Barrette, S.K. Podilchak and Y.M.M. Antar, “Ultrawideband Double-Sided Printed Dipole Arrays”, IEEE Conference on UWB, Syracuse, New York, Sept. 2012. (Student Paper Competition Finalist).
  86. S.K. Podilchak, A.P. Freundorfer and Y.M.M. Antar, “A Radial Slot Based Leaky-Wave Antenna Design for Continuous One-Sided Beam Scanning and Broadside Radiation”, IEEE APS-URSI 2012, Chicago, Illinois, USA, 8-14 July 2012.
  87. A.P. Murdoch, S.K. Podilchak and Y.M.M. Antar, “A Compact Circularly Polarized Multilayer Printed Antenna for Use on Micro-Satellites”, IEEE APS-URSI 2012, Chicago, Illinois, USA, 8-14 July 2012.
  88. S.K. Podilchak, A.P. Freundorfer and Y.M.M. Antar, “A TM Guide for Surface Wave Power Routing and Application to Planar Quasi-Optical Dividing/Combining Arrays”, International Microwave Symposium, Montreal, Canada, June 19-21, 2012.
  89. S.K. Podilchak, A.P. Freundorfer and Y.M.M. Antar, “A Study of Planar Leaky-Wave Antenna Designs Fed by Practical Surface-Wave Launchers”, EuCAP 2012 – Special Session on Leaky-Wave Antennas, Prague, Czech Republic, Mar. 26-30, 2012.
  90. S.K. Podilchak, M. Caillet, D. Lee, Y.M.M. Antar, L. Chu, J. Cain, M. Hammar, D. Caldwell and E. Barron, “Compact Antenna for Microsatellite Using Folded Shorted Patches and an Integrated Feeding Network”, 6th European Conference on Antennas and Propagation, EuCAP 2012, Prague, Czech Republic, 26-30 March 2012. (Best Antenna Design Award).
  91. S.K. Podilchak, L. Matekovits, A.P. Freundorfer, M. Orefice and Y.M.M. Antar, “A Printed Radial Configuration of Width-Modulated Strip-Lines for Controlled Guided-Wave Radiation”, EuCAP 2012, Prague, Czech Republic, Mar. 2012.
  92. Yaser Abdo, Reza Chaharmir, Jafar Shaker and Yahia Antar, “EBG Structures, Photonic Crystals and Their Applications”, Metamaterials 2011, Barcelona Spain, 10-15 Oct. 2011.
  93. Said Mikki and Yahia Antar, “On the Structure of the Antenna Electromagnetic Near Field,”, URSI Symposium, Istanbul, 13-20 August, 2011.
  94. S.K. Podilchak, Y.M.M. Antar and A. Freundorfer, “A New Leaky-wave Antenna Design Using Simple Surface-Wave Power Routing Techniques”, IEEE-APS-URSI 2011, Spokane, Washington, USA July 2011 (Awarded the third Best Paper Award).
  95. Simon Henault and Y.M.M. Antar, “A Hybrid Approach for Antenna Array Calibration”, EEE-APS-URSI 2011, Spokane, Washington, USA 3-9 July 2011.
  96. Simon Henault and Y.M.M. Antar, “On the Interpolation of Radiation Patterns in the Calibration of Antenna Arrays”, EEE-APS-URSI 2011, Spokane, Washington, USA July 2011.
  97. Said Mikki and Y.M.M. Antar, “Analysis of Electromagnetic Interaction in Antenna Arrays Using the Antennas Current Greens Function Method”, EEE-APS-URSI 2011, Spokane, Washington, USA July 2011.
  98. A.P. Freundorfer, J.Y. Siddiqui, Y.M.M. Antar and T. Thayaparan, “Radar Signature Acquisition using Indigenously Designed Noise Radar System” SPIE DSS Symposium, Orlando, FL, Apr. 25-29, 2011.
  99. Y.M.M. Antar, “Some Future Directions for Research in Electromagnetic Engineering”, Invited Plenary Talk, National Radio Science Conference, 26 April 2011, National Telecommunication Institute, Cairo Egypt.
  100. Y.M.M. Antar and Said Mikki, “Fundamental Research Directions in Applied Electromagnetics”, National Radio Science Conference, 26 April 2011, National Telecommunication Institute, Cairo Egypt.
  101. M. Caillet, M. Clenet and Y.M.M. Antar, “Miniaturized Broadband Planar Feeding Systems for Circulating Polarized Antennas”, EuCAP 2011, Rome, Italy, 11-15 April 2011.
  102. D. Guha, Archita Banerjee, C. Kumar and Y.M.M. Antar, “Cylindrical Dielectric Resonator Antenna: New Mode Excited Using a New Technique”, Nat. Conf. and Workshop on Recent Advances in Modern Communication Systems and Nanotechnology NCMCN 2011, Jan. 6-8, University of Rajasthan, Jaipur, India, 2011.
  103. “Analysis of mutual coupling in antenna arrays through infinitesimal dipole models,” “Tapered Slot Antenna for UWB Applications”, (Invited) XX URSI Commission B International Symposium on Electromagnetic Theory (EMT-S 2010), Berlin, August 16-19, 2010.
  104. Said Mikki and Yahia Antar, “Critique of Antenna Fundamental Limitations”, XX URSI Commission B International Symposium on Electromagnetic Theory (EMT-S 2010), Berlin, August 16-19, 2010.
  105. Said Mikki and Yahia Antar, “Analysis of Mutual Coupling in Antenna Arrays through Infinitesimal Dipole Models,” IEEE APS, Toronto, July 11-17, 2010.
  106. Said Mikki and Yahia Antar, “Generalized Analysis of the Relationship Between Polarization, Matching Q Factor and Size of Arbitrary Antennas”, IEEE APS, Toronto, July 11-17, 2010.
  107. D. Guha, Archita Banerjee and Y.M.M. Antar, “New Radiating Mode Successfully Excited in a Cylindrical DRA to Produce Broadside High Gain Radiation”, Dig. IEEE Antennas and Propagations Symp., Toronto, 11 July 2010.
  108. Guha, D., Gupta, B. and Antar, Y.M.M., “Hybrid Monopole-DRA: New Geometries for Improved Ultra-wideband Operation”, IEEE APS, Toronto, pp.1-4, July 11-17, 2010.
  109. Podilchak, S.K., Freundorfer, A.P. and Antar, Y.M.M., “A Planar Cavity Based Antenna by Leaky Parallel-plate Wave Guiding and Practical Surface-wave Launching”, IEEE APS, Toronto, July 11-17, 2010.
  110. Matekovits, L., Peter, I., Podilchak, S.K., Freundorfer, A.P., Esselle, K. and Antar, Y.M.M. “Effects of the Variation of the Dielectric Constant for a Periodic, Width-modulated Microstrip Line Based Sensor”, IEEE APS, Toronto, July 11-17, 2010.
  111. Henault, S. and Antar, Y.M.M., “Limitations of Online Calibration Methods in Antenna Arrays”, IEEE APS, Toronto, July 11-17, 2010, pp.1-4.
  112. Mahmoud, S.F. and Antar, Y.M.M., “Study of Surface Waves on Planar High Gain Leaky Wave Antennas”, IEEE APS, Toronto, July 11-17, 2010.
  113. A.P. Freundorfer , J.Y. Siddiqui, Y.M.M. Antar and T. Thayaparan, “A Study in Antennae Characterization System Using Noise”, (Invited) 14th International Symposium on Antennas and Electromagnetics and the American Electromagnetics Conference (ANTEM/AMEREM 2010), Ottawa, Canada, p.154, Ottawa, July 5-8, 2010.
  114. Podilchak, S.K., Freundorfer, A.P. and Antar, Y.M.M., “A New Configuration of Printed Non-directive Surface-wave Sources for Advanced Beam Control”, 14th International Symposium on Antennas and Electromagnetics and the American Electromagnetics Conference (ANTEM/AMEREM 2010), Ottawa, Canada, pp. 1-4, Ottawa, July 5-8, 2010.
  115. Podilchak, S.K., Matekovits, L., Freundorfer, A.P., Esselle, K. and Antar, Y.M.M., “Modulated Strip-line Leaky-wave Antenna Using a Printed Grating Lens and a Surface-wave Source”, 14th International Symposium on Antennas and Electromagnetics and the American Electromagnetics Conference (ANTEM/AMEREM 2010), Ottawa, Canada, pp. 1-4, Ottawa, July 5-8, 2010.
  116. Abdo, Y.S.E. Chaharmir, M.R., Shaker, J., Antar, Y.M.M., “Excitation of a Triangular Lattice EBG Waveguide by an Incident Plane Wave”, 14th International Symposium on Antennas and Electromagnetics and the American Electromagnetics Conference (ANTEM/AMEREM 2010), Ottawa, Canada, pp. 1-4, Ottawa, July 05-08, 2010
  117. M. Clénet, M. Caillet and Y.M.M. Antar, “Wideband circularly polarised antenna elements for GPS/GNSS applications developed at DRDC Ottawa”, 14th International Symposium on Antennas and Electromagnetics and the American Electromagnetics Conference (ANTEM/AMEREM 2010), July 5-9, 2010, Ottawa, Canada.
  118. Poliakov, E., Wu, C., Lee, J.P.Y. and Antar, Y.M.M., “Remote Control Software Development for a Small Airborne Electronic Support Payload”, 14th International Symposium on Antennas and Electromagnetics and the American Electromagnetics Conference (ANTEM/AMEREM 2010), Ottawa, Canada, July 5 – 9, 2010.
  119. Henault, S. and Antar, Y.M.M., “Interpolation or Coupling Matrices in the Calibration of Antenna Arrays”, 14th International Symposium on Antennas and Electromagnetics and the American Electromagnetics Conference (ANTEM/AMEREM 2010), Ottawa, Canada, July 5 – 9, 2010.
  120. J.Y. Siddiqui, Y.M.M. Antar, A.P. Freundorfer, S.M. Mikki and T. Thayaparan, “Ultra Wideband Antipodal Tapered Slot Antenna”, (Invited) 14th International Symposium on Antennas and Electromagnetics and the American Electromagnetics Conference (ANTEM/AMEREM 2010), Ottawa, Canada, p. 147, July 5-8, 2010.
  121. D. Guha and Y.M.M. Antar, “Ultrawideband Dielectric Resonator Antenna Designs and Advances”, (Invited) Proceedings URSI Comm. B. Electromagnetic Theory Symposium, EMTS, Berlin Germany. 16-19 August 2010.
  122. G. Massie, M. Caillet, M. Clénet and Y.M.M. Antar, “A Wideband Circularly Polarized Rectangular Dielectric Resonator Antenna”, EuCAP Conference, 12-16 April 2010, Barcelona, Spain.
  123. Podilchak, Symon K., Freundorfer, Al P. and Antar, Yahia M.M., “Multilayer antennas for directive beam steering broadside radiation and circular polarization”, EuCAP Conference, 12-16 April 2010, Barcelona, Spain, pp. 1-5.
  124. Podilchak, S.K., Freundorfer, A.P., Antar, Y.M.M., “Segmented Circular Strip Planar Leaky-wave Antenna Designs for Broadside Radiation and One-sided Beam Scanning”, Antenna Technology (iWAT), 2010 International Workshop on Antenna Technology, Lisbon, March 1-3, 2010.
  125. M.N. Srifi, S.K. Podilchak, M. Essaaidi and Y.M.M. Antar, “Planar Circular Disc Monopole Antennas Using compact Impedance Matching for Ultra-wideband (UWB) Applications”, Asia Pacific Microwave Conference, Suntec, Singapore, 7 Dec. 2009.
  126. S.K. Podilchak and Y.M.M. Antar, “Low Cost Planar Antennas and Circuits Using Surface-Wave Launchers for Satellite Communications, Security, Surveillance and Defense Radar”, European Cooperation in Science and Technology (COST) Conference, Wroclaw Poland, 27 October 2009 (Invited).
  127. S.K. Podilchak, B.M. Frank, A.P. Freundorfer and Y.M.M. Antar, “High Speed Metamaterial-Inspired Negative Group Delay Circuits in CMOS for Delay Equalization”, IEEE MNRC 2009 Microsystems and Nanoelectronics Research Conference, Ottawa, 13 October 2009.
  128. S.K. Podilchak, A.P. Freundorfer and Y.M.M. Antar, “New Leaky-Wave Antennas Using Surface-Wave Launchers and Planar Metallic Grating Lenses”, International Conference on Electromagnetics in Advanced Applications, ICEAA 2009, Torino, Italy, 14 Sept. 2009.
  129. S.K. Podilchak, S. Paulotto, G. Lovat, P. Baccarelli, P. Burghignoli, A.P. Freundorfer and Y.M.M. Antar, “A Printed `Bull-Eye’ Leaky-Wave Antenna Fed by a Non-Directive Surface-Wave Launcher”, European Microwave Conference, Roma, Italy, 29 Sept. 2009 (Student Travel Grant Award).
  130. S.K. Podilchak, A.P. Freundorfer and Y.M.M. Antar, “Directive Surface-Wave Launchers and Application to Planar Quasi-Optical Power Combining using a Metallic Grating Lens”, IEEE International Microwave Symposium IMS 2009, Boston, Mass., USA, 12 June 2009 (Student Travel Grant Award).
  131. S.K. Podilchak, A.P. Freundorfer and Y.M.M. Antar, “A Planar Leaky-Wave Antenna Offering Beam Steering at Broadside Using Surface-Wave Launchers”, IEEE APS-URSI 2009, 1 June 2009, Charleston, South Carolina, USA.
  132. S.K. Podilchak, H. Leong, R. Solomon and Y.M.M. Antar, “Radar Cross-Section Modeling of Marine Vessels in Practical Oceanic Environments for High-Frequency Surface-Wave Radar”, IEEE Radar Conference (RadarCON), Pasadena, California, USA. 4 May, 2009 (Honorable Mention in the Best Student Paper Competition, 4th Place).
  133. S.K. Podilchak, A.P. Freundorfer and Y.M.M. Antar, “Single Frequency 2-D Leaky-Wave Beam Steering Using an Array of Surface-Wave Launchers”, European Conference on Antennas and Propagation (EuCAP), Berlin, Germany, 23 March 2009.
  134. S.K. Podilchak, Y.M.M. Antar and A.P. Freundorfer, “New Trends in Planar Antenna Research”, IEEE National Radio Science Conference (IEEE NRSC 2009), Cairo, Egypt, 17 March 2009.
  135. S. Henault and Y.M.M. Antar, “Calculation of the Coupling Matrix for a Receiving Antenna Array of Simple Elements Using FEKO”, 25th International Review of Progress in Applied Computational Electromagnetics (ACES 2009), Monterey, CA, March 8-12, 2009.
  136. S. Henault and Y.M.M. Antar, “Calculation of the Mutual Coupling Matrix for a Receiving Array of Relatively Complex Elements”, 25th International Review of Progress in Applied Computational Electromagnetics (ACES 2009, 8 March 2009, Monterey CA.
  137. M. Caillet, M. Clénet, A. Sharaiha, Y.M.M. Antar, “Characteristics of a Broadband Printed Quadrifilar Helical Antenna Employing a Novel Compact Feeding Circuit”, EuCAP 3rd European Conference on Antennas and Propagation, 23 March 2009, Berlin, Germany.
  138. M. Caillet, M. Clénet, Y.M.M. Antar, “Investigation into Phase Quantization Effects of Synthesized Array Factor Having a Main Beam and a Prescribed Null Uing a Dolph-Chebyshev Array”, ANTEM Conference, February 15-18 2009, Banff, Canada.
  139. S.K. Podilchak, A.P. Freundorfer and Y.M.M. Antar, “Planar Antennas for Far-Field Beam Steering at End-Fire Using Directive Surface-Wave Launchers”, IEEE ANTEM/URSI, Banff, 15 Feb. 2009 (Best Student Paper Award).
  140. M. Caillet, M. Clenet and Y.M.M. Antar, “Investigation into Phase Quantization Effects of Synthesized Array Factor Having a Main Beam and a Prescribed Null Using a Dolph-Chebyshev Array”, IEEE ANTEM/URSI 2009, February 15-18, 2009, Banff, Canada.
  141. D. Guha and Y.M.M. Antar, “Broadband Dielectric Resonator Dielectric Resonator Antennas”, Invited, Antennas and Propagation Symposium APSYM 2008, Dec. 29-31, 2008, Cochin India.
  142. H.E. Abdel-El-Raouf, S. Syed and Y.M.M. Antar, “Design of Small Antennas Based on DNG Metamaterials”, 2008 IEEE International RF and Microwave Conference (RFM2008), 2-4th December 2008, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.
  143. D. Guha, B. Gupta and Y.M.M. Antar, “New Hybrid Dielectric Resonator Antenna for Ultra Wideband/Wireless Applications”, Asia Pacific Microwave Conference, December 2008, Hong Kong.
  144. D. Guha, S. Biswas, C. Kumar, J.Y. Siddiqui and Y.M.M. Antar, “Some Microstrip Antenna Problems: Questions to Resolve Using Experiments, Analysis and Computational Methods”, Asia Pacific Microwave Conference, 16 December 2008, Hong Kong.
  145. S.K. Podilchak, A.P. Freundorfer and Y.M.M. Antar, “A Technique to Observe the Aperture Field Distribution on Planar Leaky-Wave Antenna Designs by Taking the Inverse Fourier Transform of Measured 2D Far-Field Beam Patterns”, Antenna Measurement Techniques Association (AMTA), Boston, U.S.A. 16 November 2008 (Best Student Paper Award).
  146. S.K. Podilchak, B.M. Frank, A.P. Freundorfer and Y.M.M. Antar, “Metamaterial Artificial Transmission Line Structures in CMOS for Tunable Insertion Phase at 30 GHz”, Microsystems and Nanoelectronics Research Conference, Ottawa, 15 October 2008.
  147. S.K. Podilchak, A.P. Freundorfer and Y.M.M. Antar, “Novel Planar Antennas Using Circular, Curved and Straight Gratings for Conical-Sector Beam Patterns”, 38th European Microwave Conference, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, 27-31 October 2008.
  148. D. Guha, B. Gupta and Y.M.M. Antar, “Quarter of a Hemispherical Dielectric Resonator: New Geometry Explored to Design a Wideband Monopole-Type Antenna”, XXIXth URSI General Assembly, Aug 7-16, 2008, Chicago, U.S.A.
  149. S.F. Mahmoud, M. Mohanna and YMM Antar, “Analysis of a Patch Antenna Configuration with Enhanced Gain”, XXIXth URSI General Assembly, Chicago, Illinois, Aug.7-16, 2008.
  150. S.K. Podilchak, A.P. Freundorfer and Y.M.M. Antar, “Full Characterization of Directive and Non-Directive Surface-Wave Launchers and Application to Surface-Wave Beam Scanning and Planar Leaky-Wave Antenna Designs”, XXIXth URSI General Assembly, Chicago, Illinois, Aug.7-16, 2008 (Young Scientist Award).
  151. S.K. Podilchak, A.P. Freundorfer and Y.M.M. Antar, “New Planar Antenna Designs Using Surface-Wave Launchers for Controlled Leaky-Wave Beam Steering”, (Invited) APS-URSI 2008, July 5-12, 2008, San Diego, CA.
  152. S.K. Podilchak, A.P. Freundorfer and Y.M.M. Antar, “New Planar Antenna Designs Using Surface Wave Launchers for Controlled Leaky-Wave Beam Steering”, 2008 IEEE APS International Symposium on Antennas and Propagation USNC/URSI National Radio Science Meeting, San Diego, California, July 5-12, 2008.
  153. S. Henault, S. Rajan, R. Inkol, S. Wang and Y. M. M. Antar, “Impact of Elevation Angle Variations in Wideband Adcock Direction Finders Subject to Mutual Coupling”, IEEE International Symposium on Antennas and Propagation and USNC/URSI National Radio Science Meeting, San Diego, California, 5-12 Jul. 2008.
  154. R.C. Solomon, H. Leong and Y.M.M. Antar, “Forward Scattering Effects in RCS of Complex Targets in the 3-20 MHz High Frequency Range”, IEEE International Symposium on Antennas and Propagation and USNC/URSI Radio Science Meeting, San Diego, CA July 5-12, 2008.
  155. M. Caillet, M. Clenet and Y.M.M. Antar, “Study of Phase Quantization Effect on Synthesized Array Factor for a Desired Signal and an Interference”, IEEE International Symposium on Antennas and Propagation and USNC/URSI Radio Science Meeting, July 2008, San Diego, U.S.A.
  156. S. Henault, S. Rajan, R. Inkol, S. Wang, Y. M. M. Antar and C. Wilson, “Mutual Coupling Analysis of Coplanar Adcock Direction Finding Arrays”, 24th Biennial Symposium on Communications, Queen’s University, Kingston, Ontario, 24-26 Jun. 2008.
  157. S. Henault, S. Rajan, R. Inkol, S. Wang and Y. M. M. Antar, “Impact of Mutual Coupling on Wideband Adcock Direction Finders”, Canadian Conference on Electrical and Computer Engineering, Niagara Falls, Ontario, 4-7 May 2008.
  158. Y.M.M. Antar, “Integrated Antennas for Wireless and Other Applications”, invited Canadian Conference on Electrical and Computer Engineering 2008, Niagara Falls, Ontario, May 4, 2008.
  159. Y.M.M. Antar, “Integrated Antennas Using Dielectric Resonators”, Invited plenary talk, ACES 2008 (Applied Computational Electromagnetics Society), Niagara Falls, 30 March 2008.
  160. R.C. Solomon, H. Leong and Y.M.M. Antar, “Numerical Radar Cross Section Simulation and Analysis of Complex Targets in FEKO”, ACES 2008 (Applied Computational Electromagnetics Society), Niagara Falls, 30 March 2008.
  161. S. Henault, S. Rajan, R. Inkol, S. Wang, Y. M. M. Antar and C. Wilson, “Investigations of Compact Coplanar Antenna Arrays for Tactical Direction Finding”, Presented at the NATO Military Sensing Symposium, Orlando, Florida, 12-14 Mar. 2008.
  162. D. Guha, Y.M.M. Antar, P. Beland and M. Roper, “Novel High Gain Wireless Antenna for PCS Band”, IEEE Radio and Wireless Symposium, Orlando Florida, 22-24 January 2008
  163. Y.M.M. Antar and D. Guha, “Novel Design of Dielectric Resonator Antennas for Wireless Communications”, ICEAA’07 (International Conference on Electromagnetics in Advanced Applications), Torino Italy, 17-21 September 2007.
  164. P.V. Bijumon, A.P. Freundorfer, M. Sayer and Y.M.M. Antar, “On-Chip Silicon Integrated Cylindrical Dielectric Resonator Antenna for Millimeter Wave Applications”, URSI(C-D), International Symposium on Signals and Systems, ISSSE-2007, July 31 – Aug. 3 2007, Montreal, Canada.
  165. F. Birbir, J. Shaker, Y.M.M. Antar, “Chebishev Bandpass Filter Composed of Strip Gratings”, North American Radio Science Meeting, URSI – CNC/USNC, Ottawa Canada, 22-26 July 2007
  166. D.A. Salem, J.R. Bray, Y.M.M. Antar, “Antipodal Ultra Wideband Printed Antennas”, North American Radio Science Meeting, URSI – CNC/USNC, Ottawa Canada, 22-26 July 2007
  167. W.R. Eggleton, J. Shaker, Y.M.M. Antar, “Investigation of Multi-Band Reflectarray Backed by Frequency Selective Surface”, North American Radio Science Meeting, URSI – CNC/USNC, Ottawa Ontario, 22-26 July 2007
  168. J.Y. Siddiqui, C. Saha, D. Guha, Y.M.M. Antar, “Magnetic Polarization of Square Split Ring Resonator – Evaluation and Characterization”, North American Radio Science Meeting, URSI – CNC/USNC, Ottawa Ontario, 22-26 July 2007
  169. D. Guha, K. Datta, J.Y. Siddiqui and Y.M.M. Antar, “New Two-Layer Split Ring Resonator for Metamaterial Design”, North American Radio Science Meeting, URSI – CNC/USNC, Ottawa Ontario, 22-26 July 2007
  170. S.K. Podilchak, A.P. Freundorfer, Y.M.M. Antar, “A Scanning Leaky Wave Antenna Using High Impedance Surfaces and TMO Surface Wave Launchers”, North American Radio Science Meeting, URSI – CNC/USNC, Ottawa Ontario, 22-26 July 2007
  171. C.Z. Doma, Y.M.M. Antar, “A High Gain Planar Resonant Superstrate Antenna”, North American Radio Science Meeting, URSI – CNC/USNC, Ottawa Ontario, 22-26 July 2007
  172. M.G. Keller, J. Shaker and Y.M.M Antar, “Theoretical and Experimental Examination of the Talbot Effect in the Millimeter-Wave Band”, North American Radio Science Meeting, URSI – CNC/USNC, Ottawa Ontario, 22-26 July 2007
  173. Y.M.M. Antar and D. Guha, “Wireless Communications Antennas: Special Requirements and New Designs of Dielectric Resonator Antennas”, Proceedings of the 23rd Annual Review of Progress in Applied Computational Electromagnetics, Verona Italy, pp. 1121-1125, 19-23 March 2007
  174. P.V. Bijumon, A.P. Freundorfer and Y.M.M. Antar, “Integrated Dielectric Resonator Antennas on Conductive Silicon Substrate for Millimeter-Wave Applications”, Proceedings of Antennas and Propagation Symposium, Kochi India, pp. 179-182, 14-16 December 2006
  175. Y.M.M. Antar, “Dielectric Resonator Antenna for Wireless and Other Applications”, Invited, Proceedings of Antennas and Propagation Symposium, Kochi, India, pp. 179-182, 14-16 December 2006
  176. M. Clenet, G.A. Morin, D. Lee and Y.M.M. Antar, “Scanning Characteristics of a Linear Array of Laminated Waveguides”, European Conference on Antennas and Propagation, EUCAP2006, Nice France, 6-10 November 2006
  177. D. Guha and Y.M.M. Antar, “Physical Insight into the Ultra Wideband Performance of the Monopole-Dielectric Resonator Antenna”, European Conference on Antennas and Propagation, EUCAP2006, Nice France, 6-10 November 2006
  178. D. Guha and Y.M.M. Antar, “New Single Probe-Fed Circularly Polarized Microstrip Antenna”, European Conference on Antennas and Propagation, EUCAP2006, Nice France, 6-10 November 2006
  179. A.P. Freundorfer, K. Hamed, Y. Sun, Y.M.M. Antar, P. Frank and D. Sawatzky, “A Direct 2 Gb/s Modulator/Demodulator Experiment in GaAs HBT at 30 GHz”, Asia Pacific Microwave Conference (APMC 2006), Yokohama Japan, 12-15 December 2006
  180. K. Hamed, A.P. Freundorfer, Y.M.M. Antar, “CMRR Analysis for Wideband Passive Monolithic Differential Quadrative Coupler Implemented Using GaAs Process”, Asia Pacific Microwave Conference (APMC 2006), Yokohama Japan, 12-15 December 2006
  181. P.V. Bijumon, A.P. Freundorfer, M. Sayer and Y.M.M. Antar, “Ultra-Low Temperature Synthesis of Ba2TiqO20 Ceramics for Applications in Integrated Dielectric Resonator Circuits”, International Conference on Computers and Devices for Communication (CODEC2006), Calcutta India, 18-21 December 2006
  182. Y.M.M. Antar, “New Developments in Antennas for Wireless and Other Applications”, Plenary Talk, International Conference on Computers and Devices for Communication (CODEC2006), Calcutta India, 18-21 December 2006
  183. P.V. Bijumon, A.P. Freundorfer and Y.M.M. Antar, “Integrated Dielectric Resonator Antennas on Conductive Silicon Substrate for Millimeter-Wave Applications”, Processes of Antennas and Propagation Symposium, Kochi India, pp. 179-182, 18-21 December 2006
  184. Y.M.M. Antar, “Dielectric Resonator Antenna for Wireless and Other Applications”, Invited, Processes of Antennas and Propagation Symposium, Kochi India, 14-16 December 2006.
  185. N.L. Armstrong and Y.M.M. Antar, “Development of a Passenger Aircraft Electromagnetic Model for Electromagnetic Interference Analysis”, 12th International Symposium on Antenna Technology and Applied Electromagnetics [ANTEM] and Canadian Radio Sciences [URSI/CNC], Montreal Canada, 16-19 July 2006
  186. A.P. Freundorfer, M.Z.I. Bekheit and Y.M.M. Antar, “Compact Surface Wave Launcher Array with Application to Single Frequency Beam Steering Leaky Wave Antenna”, 12th International Symposium on Antenna Technology and Applied Electromagnetics [ANTEM] and Canadian Radio Sciences [URSI/CNC], Montreal Canada, 16-19 July 2006
  187. M.G. Keller, J. Shaker and Y.M.M. Antar, “Millimeter-Wave Talbot Effect Spatial Power Amplifier”, 12th International Symposium on Antenna Technology and Applied Electromagnetics [ANTEM] and Canadian Radio Sciences [URSI/CNC], Montreal Canada, 16-19 July 2006
  188. K. Hamed, A.P. Freundorfer and Y.M.M. Antar, “CMRR Analysis for Wideband Passive Monolithic Quadrature Differential Coupler”, 12th International Symposium on Antenna Technology and Applied Electromagnetics [ANTEM] and Canadian Radio Sciences [URSI/CNC], Montreal Canada, 16-19 July 2006
  189. L.C.Y. Chu, D. Guha and Y.M.M. Antar, “Ultra Wideband Shaped Cylindrical Dielectric Resonator Antenna for Commercial Wireless Bands”, 12th International Symposium on Antenna Technology and Applied Electromagnetics [ANTEM] and Canadian Radio Sciences [URSI/CNC], Montreal Canada, 16-19 July 2006
  190. S.F. Mahmoud, Y.M.M. Antar, A. Etrugh and A.P. Freundorfer, “Gain Enhancement of a Slot Dipole in a 3-Dielectric Layers Structure”, IEEE APS and Radio Science Meeting, Albuquerque U.S.A., July 2006.
  191. N.L. Armstrong and Y.M.M. Antar, “Investigation of the Electromagnetic Interference Threat Posed by a Wireless Network Inside a Passenger Aircraft”, 22nd Annual Review of Progress in Applied Computational Electromagnetics, Miami U.S.A., pp. 31-35, 12-16 March 2006 (Winner of Second Best Paper Award)
  192. N.L. Armstrong and Y.M.M. Antar, “Modeling of Electromagnetic Interference Between GPS Reception and VHF/UHF Transmission on a Military Aircraft”, 22nd Annual Review of Progress in Applied Computational Electromagnetics, Miami U.S.A., pp. 36-41, 12-16 March 2006
  193. Y.M.M. Antar, “Composite and Hybrid Dielectric Resonator Antennas Recent Advances and Challenges”, Invited Plenary Talk, NRSC 2006, Menouf Egypt, 14 March 2006.
  194. M. Hossain, B. Frank and Y.M.M. Antar, “Performance of a Low Voltage Highly Linear 24 GHz Down Conversion Mixer in 0.18 m CMOS”, IEEE 6th Topical Meeting on Silicon Monolithic Integrated Circuits in RF Systems, San Diego U.S.A., January 2006
  195. B. Frank, M. Hossain and Y.M.M. Antar, “24 GHz Differential Low Noise Amplifier Using Capacitive Neutralization in 0.18 m CMOS”, 2005 IEEE Antennas and Propagation and International Union of Radio Sciences (URSI) Symposium, Washington D.C. U.S.A., 5-9 July 2005
  196. E.C. Smith, Y.M.M. Antar and G.A. Morin, “Compact Ultra Wideband Antipodal Tapered Slot Antenna”, Antennas and Propagation Society International Symposium, 2005 IEEE Vol. 2A, pp. 491-494, 3-8 July 2005
  197. D. Guha and Y.M.M. Antar, “Four-Element Cylindrical Dielectric Resonator Array: Broadband Low Profile Antenna for Mobile Communications”, URSI XXVII General Assembly 2005, Vigyan Bhavan, New Delhi, India, 23-29 October 2005.
  198. A. Etrugh, Y.M.M. Antar, A.P. Freundorfer, A. Petosa and A. Ittipiboon, “High Gain Planar Antenna”, MMC 2005, Athens Greece, September 2005.
  199. D. Guha and Y.M.M. Antar, “Half Hemispherical DRA for Very Large Bandwidth High Gain and Monopole-Like Radiation Pattern”, IEEE APS-Radio Science Meeting, Washington, D.C. U.S.A., July 2005.
  200. M. Clenet, J. Litzenberger, D. Lee, S. Thirakoune, A. Petosa, G.A. Morin and Y.M.M. Antar, “Laminated Waveguides as Radiating Element for Phased Array with Brick Architecture”, ANTEM2005, St. Malo France, June 2005.
  201. K.W. Hamed, A.P. Freundorfer and Y.M.M. Antar, “A Novel 2010 40 GHz Monolithic Passive Differential Coupler for MMIC’s Applications”, IEEE-MTT-IMS (International Microwave Symposium), Long Beach U.S.A., June 2005.
  202. B.M.F. Hossain and Y.M.M. Antar, “A 23 GHz Transformer-Based Antenna Coupler for CMOS”, ANTEM 2004/URSI, Ottawa Canada, pp. 101-104, 20-23 July 2004.
  203. A.P. Freundorfer, Q. Shi and Y.M.M. Antar, “Stability Considerations of an Active Integrated Dielectric Grating Antenna”, ANTEM 2004/URSI, Ottawa Canada, pp.109-112, 20-23 July 2004.
  204. R. Tomar, Y.M.M. Antar and P. Bhartia, “MATLAB-based Accurate Dispersion Models for Unshielded Suspended Microstrip”, ANTEM 2004/URSI, Ottawa Canada, pp. 213-215, 20-23 July 2004.
  205. Q. Shi, A.P. Freundorfer and Y.M.M. Antar, “Novel Measurement Technique for Millimeter Wave Surface Wave Launchers”, ANTEM 2004/URSI, Ottawa Canada, pp. 447-450, 20-23 July 2004.
  206. M.G. Keller, J. Shaker, Y.M.M. Antar and A. Petosa, “Microwave Power Combining Using the Talbot Effect”, ANTEM 2004/URSI, Ottawa Canada, pp.473-476, 20-23 July 2004
  207. S.M. El-Halafawy and Y.M.M. Antar, “Broadband Stacked Printed Antennas”, ANTEM 2004/URSI, Ottawa Canada, pp. 539-541, 20-23 July 2004.
  208. T. Neal, M. Clenet, G.A. Morin and Y.M.M. Antar, “A Novel Electromagnetic Bandgap Groundplane Design”, ANTEM 2004/URSI, Ottawa Canada, pp. 549-552, 20-23 July 2004.
  209. B. Ghosh, Y.M.M. Antar, A. Petosa and A. Ittipiboon, “CPW-Fed DRA”, ANTEM 2004/URSI, Ottawa Canada, pp. 591-594, 20-23 July 2004.
  210. B. Gosh, Y.M.M. Antar, A. Petosa and I. Ittipiboon, “Feed Configurations of CPN Fed DRA”, 2004 IEEE Antennas and Propagation International Symposium, Monterey U.S.A., pp. 1347-1350, 20-25 June 2004.
  211. B. Ghosh, Y.M.M. Antar, S.F. Mahmoud, A. Petosa and A. Ittipiboon, “CPW Fed Leaky Wave Antenna Using Resonance Gain, 2004 IEEE Antennas and Propagation International Symposium, Monterey U.S.A., pp. 3225-3228, 20-25 June 2004.
  212. M.M. Hossain, B.M. Frank and Y.M.M. Antar, “A 23 GHz Front End in 0.18 m CMOS”, 22nd Biennial Symposium on Communications, Kingston Canada, June 2004.
  213. K. Hamed, A.P. Freundorfer and Y.M.M. Antar, “A Novel 20 to 40 GHz Monolithic InGa P/GaAs HBT Double Balanced Mixer”, European Microwave Conference 2003, Munich Austria, October 2003. (Winner of Best Paper Award).
  214. S. Drouin, C.J. Verver, G.A. Morin and Y.M.M. Antar, “An MHMIC K-Band Direct Conversion Demodulator in CPW”, European Microwave Conference 2003, Munich Austria, October 2003.
  215. K. Hamed, A.P. Freundorfer and Y.M.M. Antar, “A Novel I5 to 45 GHz Monolithic Passive Balun for MMIC Applications”, International Microwave Systems Symposium, Philadelphia U.S.A., June 2003.
  216. M. Lapierre, Y.M.M. Antar, A. Ittipiboon and A. Petosa, “A Wideband Monopole Antenna Using Dielectric Resonator Loading”. IEEE APS and North American Radio Science Meeting, Columbus Ohio U.S.A., June 2003.
  217. S.F. Mahmoud, Y.M.M. Antar, H.F. Hammad and A.P. Freundorfer, “Optimum Excitation of Surface Waves” IEEE APS and North American Radio Science Meeting, Columbus Ohio U.S.A., June 2003.
  218. H.F. Hammad, Y.M.M. Antar and A.P. Freundorfer, “Analysis and Design of a Novel Dielectric Grating Antenna at Millimetre Wave Frequency”, National Radio Science Conference, Cairo Egypt, March 2003.
  219. B.M. Frank, A.P. Freundorfer and Y.M.M. Antar, “20 GHz Feedback Amplifier Design in Standard 0.18 m CMOS” SMIC, Germany, April 2003.
  220. H.F. Hammad, S.F. Mahmoud, Y.M.M. Antar and A.P. Freundorfer, “Optimization of surface waves on a grounded dielectric slab by a slot antenna”, Invited, 2002 IEEE Antenna and Propagation Symposium, pp. 602-605, San Antonio U.S.A., June 2002
  221. S. Collins and Y.M.M. Antar, “Antenna with a Reduced Ground Plane Size”, 2002 IEEE Antennas and Propagation Symposium, pp. 6-9, San Antonio U.S.A., June 2002.
  222. S.F. Mahmoud, S. Collins and Y.M.M. Antar, “Performance of Pin Loaded Microstrip Patch Antenna”, 2002 IEEE Antennas and Propagation Symposium, pp. 10-13, San Antonio U.S.A., June 2002.
  223. S. Amari, Q. Shi and Y.M.M. Antar, “Compact and Broadband CPW /4 Resonator Filters”, invited, Asia-Pacific Microwave Conference (APMC 2002), Tokyo, Japan, November 2002.
  224. H.F. Hammad, K. Zelonka, A.P. Freundorfer, Y.M.M. Antar and M. Sayer, “A New Technique for Determining the Permittivity of Dielectric Materials at mm-wave Frequencies”, Queen’s 21st Biennial Symposium on Communications, June 2002.
  225. H.F. Hammad, A.P. Freundorfer, Y. M.M. Antar and A. Petosa, “Waveguide to Grounded Slab Transitions for Leaky Wave Antennas Applications”, Queen’s 21st Biennial Symposium on Communications, June 2002.
  226. S.F. Mahmoud, Y.M.M. Antar and H.F. Hammad, “Optimum Excitation of Surface waves on a Planar Structure “, URSI International Symposium on Electromagnetic Theory, Maastricht Netherlands, August 2002
  227. H.F. Hammad, A.P. Freundorfer and Y. M.M. Antar, “CPW slot antenna for TM slab mode excitation”, IEEE Antenna and Propagation and URSI International Symposium, Boston U.S.A., July 2001.
  228. B.M. Frank, A.P. Freundorfer and Y.M.M. Antar, “X to K-Band 0.18 µm CMOS Amplifiers”, Queen’s 21st Biennial Symposium on Communications, June 2002 .
  229. B.M. Frank, A.P. Freundorfer and Y.M.M. Antar, “X to K-Band 0.18 µm CMOS Amplifiers”, ANTEM 2002, pp. 433-436, July 2002
  230. S. Dubois, J. Shaker, Y.M.M. Antar, “Circularly Polarized Reflect Array Using Microstrip Dipoles”, ANTEM 2002, pp. 493-496, July 2002.
  231. J. Litzenberger, M. Clenet, G.A. Morin and Y.M.M. Antar, “A New Horn Antenna Using Laminated Waveguide”, ANTEM 2002, pp.364-367, July 2002.
  232. S. Collins, Y.M.M. Antar, A. Petosa and D. Lee, “Yagi-Uda Loops and Shorted Patches for a Reduced Size Antenna”, ANTEM 2002, pp.395-398, July 2002.
  233. S. Amari, K. Hamed, Y.M.M. Antar and A.P. Freundorfer, “New Elliptic Microstrip Quarter Wavelength Resonator Filters”, invited, Asia-Pacific Microwave Conference (APMC 2001), Taipei, Taiwan, 3-6 December 2001
  234. H.F. Hammad, A.P. Freundorfer and Y.M.M. Antar, “Unconditional Stabilization of CS and CG MESFET Transistor”, GAAS 2001, The 9th European Gallium Arsenide & other Semiconductors Applications Symposium, pp. 295-298, London, U.K., 25-27 Sept 2001.
  235. Y.M.M. Antar, “Atmospheric Remote Sensing”, invited, Canadian Symposium on Remote Sensing, Quebec City, Aug. 25, 2001.
  236. Y.M.M. Antar and V. Santalla del Rio, “Considerations on Copolar Correlation Coefficient Estimation of SAR Images”, Invited, The 4th Advanced SAR Technology Conference, CSA, October 2001.
  237. Helaly, A. Sebak and Y.M.M. Antar, “TM Scattering by an Impedance Elliptic Cylinder Embedded in a Non Confocal Dielectric Coating”, ISMART, Montreal, June 15-19, 2001.
  238. H.F. Hammad, A.P. Freundorfer, M. Sayer and Y.M.M. Antar, “A 30 GHz CPW Fed Dielectric Grating Antenna” Invited, 2001 URSI (International Union of Radio Science) Symposium on Electromagnetic Theory, Victoria Canada, 13-17 May 2001
  239. C.J. Currie, Y.M.M. Antar, A. Petosa and A. Ittipiboon, Compact Circularly Polarized Antenna Designs Using Dielectric Loading”, URSI (International Union of Radio Science) Symposium on Electromagnetic Theory, Victoria Canada, 13-17 May 2001
  240. H. Hammad, A.P. Freundorfer and Y.M.M. Antar, “CPW Slot Antenna for TM Mode Slab Excitation”, IEEE-AP Symposium, Boston, U.S.A., July 2001.
  241. J.C.R. Poirier, G.A. Morin, Y.M.M. Antar and J.W. Moffat, “Millimeter-Wave limited-Scan Array using Small Lenses”, IEEE-APS Symposium, Boston, U.S.A., July 2001.
  242. M. A. Al-Salameh, Y.M.M. Antar, G. Séguin and A. Petosa, “A Reduced Size CPW Fed DR Antenna”, IEEE-APS Symposium, Boston, U.S.A., July 2001.
  243. Y.M.M. Antar “Challenges in Antennas and Associated Microwave Circuits for Wireless Applications’, Invited, also Plenary Paper, National Radio Science Meeting, Mansoura, March 27-29, 2001.
  244. A.I. Bahnacy, S.M. Elhalafawy and Y.M.M. Antar, “Stacked L-Shaped Probe Fed Microstrip Antenna”, the 7th IEEE International Conference on Electronics, Circuits and Systems, Kaslik, Lebanon, 17-20 December 2000
  245. Y.M.M. Antar, “Integrated Antenna, New Trends and Challenges”. Invited plenary paper. NRC-URSI, Menouf, Egypt, February 2000.
  246. Y.M.M. Antar, M.S. Al Salameh, G. Séguin, “Coplanar Waveguide Fed Dielectric Resonator Antenna”. Electromagnetic Research, Cambridge U.S.A., 5-14 July 2000.
  247. H.F. Hammad, Y.M.M. Antar, A.P. Freundorfer, “CPW Based 2D Lens Array for Slab-Beam Power Combining Array”. 2000 IEEE AP International Symposium and North American Radio Science Meeting, Salt Lake City, pp. 798-801, 16-21 July 2000.
  248. A.P. Popov, Y.M.M. Antar, “On Slot Antennas Input Impedance and Efficiency”. Proceeding of ANTEM 2000, Winnipeg, Manitoba, July 31-Aug 2, 2000.
  249. S.M. El-Halafawy, A.M. Bahnacy, Y.M.M. Antar, “A New Wideband Printed Antenna”. Proceeding of ANTEM 2000, Winnipeg, Manitoba, July 31-Aug 2, 2000.
  250. H.F. Hammad, Y.M.M. Antar, A.P. Freundorfer, “Planar Folded Slot Lens for Slab-Beam Power Combining”. Proceeding of ANTEM 2000, Winnipeg, Manitoba, July 31-Aug 2, 2000.
  251. A.P. Freundorfer, Y.M.M. Antar et al, “Progress in an Integrated Millimeter Wave Radio Project” Proceeding of ANTEM 2000, Winnipeg, Manitoba, July 31-Aug 2, 2000.
  252. M.G. Keller, M. Cuhaci, J. Shaker, A. Petosa, Y.M.M. Antar”, Investigation of Novel Reflect- Array Configuration”. Proceeding of ANTEM 2000, Winnipeg, Manitoba, July 31-Aug 2, 2000.
  253. D.R. Munn, C.W. Trueman, Y.M.M. Antar, “Gaining Insight into HF Resonance Features Using Model Morphing”. Proceeding of ANTEM 2000, Winnipeg, Manitoba, July 31-Aug 2, 2000.
  254. B. Duffley, G. Morin, Y.M.M. Antar, “Investigation of a Wideband Printed-Dipole Array”. AP-2000, Millennium Conference on Antennas and Propagation, Davos, Switzerland, 9-14 April 2000.
  255. D.R. Munn, C.W. Trueman and Y.M.M. Antar, “Method of Improving Model Confidence Through Metamorphosis”. AP-2000, Millennium Conference on Antennas and Propagation, Davos, Switzerland, 9-14 April 2000.
  256. B.M. Frank, A.P. Freundorfer and Y.M.M. Antar, “A Novel Common Gate Mixer for Wireless Applications”, EMC, Munich, Germany, Oct.4-8, 1999.
  257. Y.M.M. Antar, D. Cheng and G. Jiang, “Wide-Band Square Ring Microstrip Patch Antenna”, ICECS’99, Cyprus, Sept 5-8, 1999.
  258. Y.M.M. Antar, G. Séguin and D. Cheng, “Simulation of Dielectric Resonator Antenna Fed By Coplanar Waveguide.” ICEAA’99, Turin, Italy, Sept 13-17, 1999.
  259. D. Cheng and Y.M.M. Antar, “Nonlinear Waves in Dropped Material with Uniaxial Chirality.” URSI General Assembly, Toronto, 1999.
  260. V. Santalla del Rio and Y.M.M. Antar, “Estimation of Wave Depolarization Through Propagation in Rain”, paper presented at the RTO SET Symposium on “High Resolution Radar Techniques” held in Grenada, Spain, 22-24 March 1999 and published in RTO MP-40.
  261. H.F. Hammad, Y.M.M. Antar and A.P. Freundorfer, “Wide Band Antenna Suitable for MMIC Applications”, PIER’S 98, Nantes, France, July 98.
  262. P.R. Shearing, A.P. Freundorfer and Y.M.M. Antar, “A Coplanar Ka-Band Balanced Common-Gate Amplifier in 0.8 •m GaAs MESFET”, ANTEM 98.
  263. B.M. Frank, A.P. Freundorfer and Y.M.M. Antar, “Measurements Techniques for Millimeter Wave Integrated Antennas”, AMTA (Antenna Measurement Techniques Association), Montreal, Oct. 1998.
  264. B.M. Frank, M.G. Keller, H.F. Hammad, P.R. Shearing, A.P. Freundorfer and Y.M.M. Antar, “An Integrated Receiver for Wireless Applications”, 19th Biennial Symposium on Communications, Queen’s Univ., Kingston, Ont., May 31-June 3, 1998, pp. 185-188.
  265. B.M. Frank, M.G. Keller, H.F. Hammad, P.R. Shearing, A.P. Freundorfer, Y.M.M. Antar and M.G. Keller, “An MMIC Receiver for Wireless Applications”, ANTEM 98.
  266. Y.M.M. Antar and G. Séguin, “Dielectric Resonator Antenna for SAR Application”, ANTEM 98.
  267. B. Henry, Y. M.M. Antar, A. Petosa and G.A. Morin, “TLM Simulations of Mutual Coupling in Rectangular Dielectric Resonator Antennas”, ANTEM 98.
  268. D. Cheng and Y.M.M. Antar, “Vector Wave Function Theory of Source-Free Uniaxial Chiro-Omega Medium and Its Applications, ANTEM 98.
  269. D. Cheng and Y.M.M. Antar, “Green Dyadic ad Dipole Radiation in Composite Omega-Chiral Medium”, ANTEM 98.
  270. H. Liu and Y.M.M. Antar, “Frequency Dependence of RCS for Arbitrarily Shaped Target”, ANTEM’98, Ottawa, Canada, August 1998.
  271. H. Liu and Y.M.M. Antar, “Model Measurement of Radar Cross-section for Fully Coated Target by Variance in the Size”, ICMMT’98, Beijing, China, August 1998.
  272. H. Liu and Y.M.M. Antar, “Application of Wavelet Transform in Model Measurement of Radar Cross-section, CJJMM’98, Beijing, China, August, 1998.
  273. V. Santalla del Rio and Y.M.M. Antar, ”Statistics for the Determination of Propagation Parameters from Polarimetric Radar Data”, 1997 International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium, IGARSS 97, IEEE – 3 – 8 Aug 1997, Singapore, Also invited to the 1997/AP-S International Symposium and URSI meeting, Montreal, July 13-18, 1997.
  274. Y.M.M. Antar and P. Dombowsky, “Circularly Polarized Dielectric Resonator Antennas”, ICECS’97, pp.1137-1140, Cairo, Dec.15-18, 1997.
  275. P, Dombowsky, Y.M.M. Antar, A.Petosa and A. Ittipiboon, “L-band Circularly Polarized Rectangular Dielectric Resonator Antennas”, ICEAA97, International Conference on Electromagnetics in Advanced Applications, Turin, Italy, 15 – 18 Sept 1997
  276. G. Parker, Y.M.M. Antar, A. Ittipiboon and A. Petosa, Invited “A Dual Polarized Microstrip Ring Antenna with Good Isolation”, 1997 IEEE AP-S International Symposium and URSI North American Radio Science meeting, Montreal, July 13 – 18, 1997.
  277. G. Séguin, Y.M.M. Antar, N. Sultan and Z. Fan, “Dielectric Resonator Antenna Operation at Two Polarizations”, 1997 IEEE AP-S International Symposium and URSI North American Radio Science meeting, Montreal, July 13 – 18, 1997.
  278. H.F. Hammad, A.P. Freundorfer and Y.M.M. Antar, ‘New Dual-Band Single Fed Printed Antenna”,1997 IEEE AP-S International Symposium and URSI North American Radio Science meeting, Montreal, July 13 – 18, 1997.
  279. Z. Fan and Y.M.M. Antar, “Various Inset Dielectric Guide Structures for Circuit and Antenna Applications”, in Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Millimeter Wave and Far Infrared Science and Technology, pp.212-215, Beijing, P.R. China, August 1996
  280. V. Santalla del Rio and Y.M.M. Antar, “Statistical Analysis of Propagation Parameters for Polarimetric Radar Measurements”, AGARD Symposium on Radar Signature Analysis and Image of Military Targets, Tubitak, Turkey, Oct. 7-10, 1996 and published in CP-583.
  281. Y.M.M. Antar, “Rectangular Dielectric Resonator Antenna”, invited, 1996 Asia-Pacific Microwave Conference, New Delhi, India, Dec. 17-20, 1996
  282. Z. Fan, Y.M.M. Antar, N. Sultan and G. Seguin, “Dual-Polarized Rectangular Dielectric Resonator Antenna”, Invited, WRI International Symposium, Polytechnic University, New York City, Sept. 11-13, 1996
  283. I.D. Hawes, Y.M.M. Antar, A. Ittipiboon and N. Simons, “Dielectric Archimedean Spiral Travelling Wave Antenna”, USNC/URSI Radio Science Meeting, July 21-26, 1996, Baltimore, U.S.A., p. 151.
  284. V. Santalla and Y.M.M. Antar, “Estimation of Copolar Correlation from Fully Polarimetric Meteorological Radar Data”, invited, Progress in Electromagnetic Research Symposium, 1996, Innsbruck, Austria, p.14.
  285. V. Santalla del Rio, Y.M.M. Antar and A.G. Pino, “Polarimetric Radar Covariance Matrix Algorithm: Application to Meteorological Target”, PIER’S 95 (Progress in Electromagnetic Research), University of Washington, Seattle, July 1995. Also, IGARSS 95 (International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium), Florence, Italy, July 95.
  286. Z. Fan and Y.M.M. Antar, “Overlaid Parallel Coupled Inset Dielectric Guides for Broadband Applications to Directional Couplers” submitted to IEEE MTT-S International Microwave Symposium, 1996, San Francisco, U.S.A.
  287. Z. Fan and Y.M.M. Antar, “A Generalized Algorithm for Computing Characteristics of Arbitrarily Inclined Aperture-Coupled Multiple-Patch Antennas with Multilayer Anisotropic Substrates”. Invited, Progress in Electromagnetics Research Symposium, l996, Innsbruck, Austria.
  288. Z. Fan, Y.M.M. Antar and S.R. Pennock, “The Extended Spectral Domain Approach Applied to Multilayer IDG Structures Containing Magnetized Ferrites” 3rd International Conference on Computation in Electromagnetics, 1996, Bath, UK.
  289. Y.M.M. Antar and Z. Fan, “Offset or Inclined Printed Slot on the Ground Plane of a Microstrip Line with Anisotropic Substrates”, 3rd International Conference on Computation in Electromagnetics, l996, Bath, UK.
  290. Ittipiboon and Y.M.M. Antar, “On Broadband Dielectric Resonator Antenna”, PIERS’95 (Progress in Electromagnetic Research), University of Washington, Seattle, July 1995.
  291. Y.M.M. Antar and Z. Fan, “Impedance Characteristic of Rectangle Dielectric Resonator Antenna”, Proc. of ICECS’95, Amman, Jordan, Dec. 17-21, 1995.
  292. Z. Fan and Y.M.M. Antar, “Edge Coupled Strip Inset Dielectric Guide”, in Proceedings of the l995 Canadian Conference on Electrical and Computer Engineering, Montreal, Canada, September 1995, pp. 905 – 908.
  293. M.G. Keller, M.B. Oliver, Y.M.M. Antar, “Millimeter – Wave Dielectric Resonator Antenna Array”, 1995 IEEE AP-S International Symposium and URSI meeting, New Port Beach, Calif., June 18 – 23, 1995.
  294. M.B. Oliver, Y.M.M. Antar and R.K. Mongia, “A New Broadband Circularly Polarized Dielectric Resonator Antenna” 1995 IEEE AP-S and URSI meeting, New Port Beach, Calif., June 18 – 23, 1995.
  295. G.C. McCormick and Y.M.M. Antar, “Optimal Polarization for a Class of Particulate Scatterers”, JIPR’95, Third International Workshop on Radar Polarimetry, IRESTE, Nantes, France, March 21-23, 1995.
  296. Y.M.M. Antar, “Slot-Coupling and its application to Microwave Devices”. ICECS’95, Cairo, Egypt. Dec. 19-22, 1994.
  297. Y.M.M. Antar, “Polarization Application in Remote Sensing and Electromagnetic Scattering”, Invited, ICEMP-94, Cairo University, Giza, Dec.27-30, 1994.
  298. Y.M.M. Antar and S.W. Moore, “An Investigation of Inclined and Crossed Slots in a Microstrip Magic-T”, to appear in ANTEM Proceedings, 94, August, 1994, Ottawa.
  299. Ittipiboon, D. Roscoe, M. Cuhaci and Y.M.M. Antar, “General Method for the Computation of Electromagnetic Scattering Problems”, to appear in ANTEM Proceedings 94, August 1994, Ottawa.
  300. E.K.L. Yeung, J.C. Beal and Y.M.M. Antar, “A Novel Double-Layer Microstrip Bandpass Filter”, to appear in ANTEM Proceedings, 94, August, 1994, Ottawa.
  301. G.D. Loos, Y.M.M. Antar, A. Ittipiboon and R.K. Mongia, “Array Factor Consideration for Rectangular Dielectric Resonator Antennas”, ANTEM Proceedings, 94, August 1994, Ottawa.
  302. J.T. Fernandes and Y.M.M. Antar, “Analysis of a GAP-Coupled Multilayer Patch Antenna”, Proceedings of IEEE AP-S International Symposium and URSI Radio Science Meeting, University of Washington, Seattle, U.S.A., June 19-24, 1994.
  303. M.G. Keller, Y.M.M. Antar, D. Roscoe and A. Ittipiboon, “Active Millimeter-Wave Microstrip Patch Antenna Sub-Array”, Proceedings of IEEE AP-S International Symposium and URSI Radio Science Meeting, University of Washington, Seattle, U.S.A., June 19-24, 1994.
  304. G.D. Loos and Y.M.M. Antar, “Investigation of a Novel Aperture Coupled Dielectric Resonator Antenna Subarray”, Proceedings of IEEE AP-S International Symposium and URSI Radio Science Meeting, University of Washington, Seattle, U.S.A., June 19-24, 1994.
  305. Y.M.M. Antar, A.K. Bhattacharyya and A. Ittipiboon, “Modelling of Slot-Coupling for Antennas and Microwave Circuit Applications”, ICEAA (International Conference on Electromagnetics in Aerospace Applications), Politecnico Di Torino, Torino, Italy, September 14-17, 1993, pp. 540-547.
  306. W.M. Katsube, Y.M. Antar, A. Ittipiboon and M. Cuhaci, “Theoretical and Experimental Results on Novel Microstrip Magic Tee”, ICEAA (International Conference on Electromagnetics in Aerospace Applications), Politecnico Di Torino, Torino, Italy, September 14-17, 1993, pp. 340-343.
  307. E.K.L. Yeung, J.C. Beal and Y.M.M. Antar, “Characterization of Novel Multi-layer 58Microstrip Structures Using a Matched Load Simulation Technique” (PIERS 1993, pp. 385), Jet Propulsion Laboratory, California Institute of Technology, Pasadena, California, July 12-16, 1993
  308. A.A. Kishk, Y.M.M. Antar, “Forward and Backscattering by Axisymmetric Targets”, COMPUMAG, Miami, Florida, Oct. 30 – Nov 2, 1993
  309. Y.M.M. Antar, invited, “Polarimetric Measurements and Remote Sensing of Snow and Melting Hydrometeors at the Ku and X bands”, Invited, In Electromagnetic Research Symposium (PIERS 1993, pp. 385). Jet Propulsion Laboratory, California Institute of Technology, Pasadena, California, July 12-16, 1993.
  310. E.K.L. Yeung, J.C. Beal and Y.M.M. Antar, “A Simulated Matched Load Termination for the Analysis of Microstrip Structures”, IEEE – APS International Symposium, Univ. of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Michigan, U.S.A., June 27-July 2, 1993.
  311. M.K. Karam, D.M. Levine, Y.M.M. Antar and A.K. Fung, “On Application of Lippman – Schwinger Integral Equation to Scattering from an Arbitrary Scatterer”, IEEE – APS International Symposium, Univ. of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Michigan, U.S.A., June 27-July 2, 1993.
  312. R.K. Mongia, A. Ittipiboon, Y.M.M. Antar, M. Cuhaci, P. Bhartia, “An Integrated Dielectric Resonator Antenna”, IEEE – APS International Symposium, Univ. of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Michigan, U.S.A., June 27-July 2, 1993.
  313. Y.M.M. Antar, A. Kishk, A. Ittipiboon and M. Cuhaci, “Dielectric Resonator Antenna Fed by a Slot in the Ground Plane of Microstripline”, IEE-ICAP 93, Edinburgh, 29 March – April 3, 1993. U.K.
  314. J.B. McLachlan and Y.M.M. Antar, S. Kubina and S. Kashyap, “Electromagnetic Modelling of the CPF Warship”, ANTEM 1992, Winnipeg, Manitoba, pp. 661-667.
  315. M. Ouda, A. Sebak, Y.M.M. Antar, “Multipole Expansion for a Lossy Dielectric Cylinder”, ANTEM, 1992, Winnipeg, Manitoba, pp. 349-350.
    A. Ittipiboon, D. Roscoe, Y.M.M. Antar, M. Cuhaci and L. Shafai, “EHF Aperture Coupled Microstrip Antenna Development”, ANTEM, 1992, Winnipeg, Manitoba, pp. 161-165.
  316. A.A. Kishk and Y.M.M. Antar, “Forward and Backscattering by Symmetric and Partially Symmetric Targets”, URSI-B Electromagnetic Theory, 17-20 August 1992, Sydney, Australia.
  317. S. Couture, J.C. Beal and Y.M.M. Antar, “The Cubic Splines Interpolation of a Standing-Wave’s Envelope”, IEEE-APS International Symposium on Antennas and Prop., Chicago, 18-25 July, 1992.
  318. Y.M.M. Antar and J.D.A.G. Kingsbury, “Polarimetric Radar Backscatter Algorithms for Partially Polarized Waves”, IEEE-APS Symposium, Chicago, July 1992.
  319. M. Ouda, A. Sebak and Y.M.M. Antar, “Scattering from Lossy Dielectric Cylinders using a Generalized Multiple Multipole Technique with Impedance Boundary Conditions”, IEEE-APS Symposium, Chicago, July 1992.
  320. J. McLachlan, Y.M.M. Antar, S. Kubina and S. Kashyap, “Electromagnetic Modelling of a Warship at HF”, Applied Computational Electromagnetics Symposium (ACES’92) Digest.
  321. J.D.A.G. Kingsbury and Y.M.M. Antar, “Radar Partially-polarized Backscatter”, IEEE-IGARSS’92, NASA Clear Lake Area.
  322. J.T.H. St-Martin, Y.M.M. Antar, A.A. Kishk, A. Ittipiboon and M. Cuhaci, “Dielectric Resonator Antenna Using Aperture Coupling”, IEEE AP-S, Int. Symposium and URSI meeting, London, 1991, Conference Proceedings, pp. 1086-l089.
  323. M.A. Karam, A.K. Fung and Y.M.M. Antar, “An Application of Lippman-Schwinger Integral Equation to the Scattering of Electromagnetic Waves by Vegetation Components”, IEEE AP-S. Int. Symposium and URSI meeting, London, 1991, Conference Proceedings, pp. 786-789.
  324. N.R.S. Simons, A. Sebak and Y.M.M. Antar, “Two Dimensional Hexagonal TLM Node and Velocity Error Corrections”, IEEE AP-S. Int. Symposium and URSI meeting, London, 1991, Conference Proceedings, pp. 902-905.
  325. Y.M.M. Antar, A. Ittipiboon and A. Bhattcharyya, “Aperture-coupled Patch Antenna, Theoretical and Experimental Investigations”, IEEE AP-S Int Symposium and URSI meeting, London, 1991, Conference Proceedings, pp. l090-1093.
  326. Y.M.M. Antar and S.R. Mishra, Invited “Polarimetric Radar Cross section Measurements at X-band”, ICOMM90 (International Conference on Millimetre Wave and Microwave), Defence Electronics Applications Laboratory, Dehradun, India, Dec. 19-21, 1990. Conf. Proceeding pp. 172-175.
  327. R.L. Olsen, Y.M.M. Antar, J. Albert, et. al. “The Canadian Olympus Propagation Experiment”, IEEE Global Telecommunications Conference, Dec. 2-5, 1990, San Diego, CA.
  328. Sebak, N. Simons, E. Bridges and Y.M.M. Antar, “Time Domain Solution of Half Space Problems”, ANTEM 1990. Symposium on Antenna Technology and Applied Electromagnetics”, Aug. l5-l7, l990. Conference Proceedings, pp. 551-556.
  329. M.A. Karam, Y.M.M. Antar and A.K. Fung, “Radar Backscattering from Vegetation Targets”, ANTEM 1990. Symposium on Antenna Technology and Applied Electromagnetics”, Aug. l5-l7, l990. Conference Proceedings, pp. 596-601.
  330. A. Ittipiboon, R. Oostlander, Y.M.M. Antar and M. Cuhaci “Theory and Measurements for Aperture Coupled Microstrip Antennas”, ANTEM 1990. Symposium on Antenna Technology and Applied Electromagnetics”, Aug. l5-l7, l990. Conference Proceedings, pp. 460-465.
  331. Y.M.M. Antar, “Differential Propagation Effects due to Snow and Melting Particles along a Satellite Path”, ANTEM, 1990, Symposium on Antenna Technology and Applied Electromagnetics, Aug. l5-l7, l990. Conference Proceedings, pp. 200-204.
  332. Y.M.M. Antar, S.R. Mishra and A.A. Kishk, “Calibration Targets for Polarimetric RCS Measurements”, IEEE AP-S Int. Symposium and URSI National Radio Science Meeting, May 6 – 11, 1990, Dallas, Texas.
  333. Y.M.M. Antar, “Electromagnetic cross-correlation concepts for orthogonally polarized backscatter waves”, URSI Commission B Symposium on EM Theory, The Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm, Sweden, Aug. 14-17, 1989. Conf. Proc. pp. 20-22
  334. A.A. Kishk and Y.M.M. Antar, “Theoretical and experimental investigations of polarization scattering from various targets in the resonance region”, PIERS, (Progress in Electromagnetic Research Symposium), July 25-26, 1989, Boston, Mass, U.S.A., p. 67.
  335. Y.M.M. Antar, “Polarimetric radar applications in Meteorology”, IEEE AP-S International Symposium, June 26-30, 1989, San Jose, CA, Conf. Proc. pp.1050-1053.
  336. Y.M.M. Antar, A.A. Kishk, “The Scattering of Electromagnetic Waves from targets with composite dielectric and metallic surfaces: IEEE -AP-S International Symposium, June 26-30, 1980 San Jose, CA, Conf. Proc. pp. 750-753.
  337. Y.M.M. Antar, Polarimetric Radar Applications to Meteorology and Scattering Matrix Measurements, Invited, NATO-ARW on Direct and Inverse Methods in Radar Polarimetry”, Invited Sept. 18-24, 1988, Bad Windsheim, FR Germany. Proceedings by Kluwer Academic Publishers, the Netherlands.
  338. Y.M.M. Antar, L.E. Allan, “Radar Target Cross-section as Determined from Polarimetric Measurements”, Proceedings of 11th ESTEC Antenna Measurements Workshop, (European Space Agency (ESA) Conference Publication), Gothenburg, Sweden, 20-22 June 1988.
  339. S.R. Mishra, L.E. Allan and Y.M.M. Antar, “Error Considerations in Gated Radar Cross-section Measurements”, 11th ESTEC Antenna Measurements Workshop, Gothenburg, Sweden, 20-22 June 1988.
  340. A.A. Kishk, Y.M.M. Antar, L. Shafai and L.E. Allan, “Radar Cross-section of Dielectric Bodies with Partially thin Conducting Coating. Proceedings of the Symposium on Antenna Technology and Applied Electromagnetic (ANTEM)”, Winnipeg, Man., Aug. 10-12, 1988. pp. 1-6.
  341. Y.M.M. Antar, L.E. Allan and R. Mishra, “Determination of Radar Target Scattering Properties using Circular and Linear Polarization Techniques”, Proceedings of the IEEE-AP-S International Symposium and URSI Radio Science Meeting, June 6-10, Syracuse, 1988, pp. 526-529.
  342. Y.M.M. Antar, “Some Considerations in Remote Sensing of Rain by Polarization Diversity Radars”. Proceedings of the IEEE AP-S International Symposium and URSI Radio Science meeting, June 6-10, 1988, Syracuse, pp. 557-560.
  343. Y.M.M. Antar, L.E. Allan and S.R. Mishra, “Radar cross section and scattering matrix measurements on microwave navigation targets”. Proceedings of the Meeting of Antenna Measurement Techniques Association, AMTA ’87, Seattle, WA. September 28 October 2, 1987, pp. 147 150. NRC.
  344. A.A. Kishk, Y.M.M. Antar, L. Shafai and L.E. Allan, “Comparison between experimental and numerical results of electromagnetic scattering from lossy dielectric objects”. Proceedings of IEEE Antennas and Propagation Society 1987 Meeting, Blacksburg, VA. June 15 19, 1987. Vol. II, pp. 1122 1125.
  345. Y.M.M. Antar and L.E. Allan “Polarization characteristics of backscatter from finite dielectric cylinders in the resonance region”. Proceedings of IEEE Antennas and Propagation Society 1987 Meeting, Blacksburg, VA. June 15 19, 1987, Vol. II, pp. 968 971.
  346. M.A. Karam, A.K. Fung and Y.M.M. Antar, “Scattering models for some vegetation samples”. Proceedings of the IGARSS ’87 Symposium, Ann Arbor, MI, May 18 19, 1987.
  347. A. Hendry and Y.M.M. Antar, “Measurements of orientation and shape factors of precipitation from sequential observations at linear and circular polarizations”. Proceedings of the 23rd Conference on Radar Meteorology, Snowmass, CO. Sept.22-26, 1986, Vol. 1, pp.66-69, NRC 25785.
  348. A.A. Kishk, Y.M.M. Antar, L. Shafai and L.E. Allan, “Electromagnetic scattering from dielectric bodies of revolution: theoretical and experimental results”. Proceedings of the Symposium on Antenna Technology and Applied Electromagnetics (ANTEM), Winnipeg, Man. August 13 14, 1986. Chapter II, p. 1 7, NRC 25718.
  349. Y.M.M. Antar and A. Hendry, “Electromagnetic correlation in two channel radar systems: Theory and measurement at linear polarization”. Proceedings of the Symposium on Antenna Technology and Applied Electromagnetics (ANTEM), Winnipeg, Man. August 13 14, 1986. Chapter 1, p. 1 10. NRC 25999.
  350. L.E. Allan and Y.M.M. Antar, “Radar backscatter measurements on some vegetation samples. 1986 National Radio Science Meeting”, URSI, Philadelphia, PA. June 8 13, 1986. p. 304.
  351. Y.M.M. Antar and L.E. Allan, “Backscattering characteristics of dielectric targets at 9.6 GHz”. Proceedings of the AP S International Symposium 1986, Antennas and Propagation, Philadelphia, PA. June 8 13, 1986. Vol. 1, pp.297 300. NRC 25511.
  352. Y.M.M. Antar, G.C. McCormick and A. Hendry, “Relationship between measurables of dual channel polarization diversity precipitation radar at rotating linear and circular polarizations”. Digest of The International Symposium on Antennas and Propagation, Vancouver, B.C. June 17 21, 1985. pp. 749 752. NRC 24413.
  353. A. Hendry, Y.M.M. Antar, “The Variation of measured cross-polarization echo intensity in rain with direction of polarization and its implication for canting angle distribution”, 22nd Conf. on Radar Meteorology, Zurich, Switzerland. September 10 13, 1984. pp. 382 386.NRC 23880.
  354. Hendry, Y.M.M. Antar, L.E. Allan and P.R. Cook, “Application of waveguide switching in dual channel polarization diversity radar and preliminary results”. Preprint volume, 21st Conf. on Radar Meteorology, Edmonton, Alta. September 19 23, 1983. pp. 352 357. NRC 21307.
  355. Y.M.M. Antar and A. Hendry, “Attenuation of radio waves by atmospheric wet ice and mixed phase hydrometeors. Wave Propagation and Remote Sensing”. Proc. of URSI Commission F. Symposium, Louvain la Neuve, Belgium, 9 15 June, 1983. pp. 455 461.
  356. A. Hendry and Y.M.M. Antar, “Ice crystal observations at 1.8 cm wavelength using a polarization diversity radar”. Preprint Volume, 20th Conf. on Radar Meteorology, Boston, MA. Nov. 30 Dec. 3, 1981. pp. 579 585. NRC 19557.
  357. A. Hendry, Y.M.M. Antar, J.J. Schlesak and R.L. Olsen, “Melting layer attenuation at 28.56 GHz from simultaneous Comstar beacon and 16.5 GHz polarization diversity radar observations”. 2nd Int. Conf. Antennas and Propagation, University of York, York, U.K. IEEE Conf. Publ. No. 195, Part 2, 1981. pp. 12 16.
  358. A. Hendry, G.C. McCormick and Y.M.M. Antar, “Differential propagation constants on slant path through snow as measured by 16.5 GHz polarization diversity radar”. URSI Symposium Commission F Effects of Lower Atmosphere on Radio Propagation at Frequencies above 1 GHz. Lennoxville, P.Q. May 26 30, 1980, pp 6.6.1 6.6.4. NRC 18420.
  359. Y.M.M. Antar and G.J.P. Lo, “A simple method for accurate prediction of pyramidal horn antenna radiation characteristics”. Conf. Digest, IEEE Conf. & Expo, Toronto, Ont. October 2 4, 1979. pp. 208 209.
  360. Y.M.M. Antar and P. Bhartia, “On the characteristics of optical beam scatterings”. Conf. Digest, IEEE Conf. & Expo, Toronto, Ont. September 26 28, 1977. pp. 154 155.
  361. Y.M.M. Antar, “Critical angle phenomena for the transmitted Gaussian laser beam”. Digest of the International Symposium on Antennas and Propagation, Amherst, MA. October 12 15, 1976. pp. 499 501.
  362. Y.M.M. Antar and W.M. Boerner, “Unified treatment of beam interaction with a dielectric interface using model plane wave expansion”. Digest of the International Symposium on Antennas and Propagation, Urbana Champaign, IL. June 2 4, 1975. pp. 31 34.
  363. Y.M.M. Antar and W.M. Boerner, “Reflection and refraction of a Gaussian beam at a planar dielectric interface”, Digest of the International Symposium on Antennas and Propagation, Atlanta, GA. June 10 12, 1974. pp. 105 107.

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