Patents / Tech Reports
- “Aperture-coupled Microstrip Magic T”, with M.W. Katsube, A. Ittipiboon and M. Cuhaci, U.S. Patent No. 5,303,419, issue date, April 12, 1994.
- “A Broadband Circularly Polarized Dielectric Resonator Antenna Using Single Feed”, Capt M. Oliver, Y.M.M. Antar, R.K. Mongia, A. Ittipiboon, U.S. Patent No. 5,940,036, issue date, August 17, 1999.
- “Non Planar Ring Antenna with a Reduced Ground Plane Size”, LCdr Spencer Collins (Graduate Student) U.S. Patent No. 6,876,327, issue date, April 5, 2005
- “Ultra Wide Band Monopole/Dielectric Resonator Antenna”, with A. Ittipiboon and others, U.S. Patent No. 6,940,463 B2, issue date, September 6, 2005
- “A Simple and Low Cost Technique for Efficient Surface Wave Power Routing”, S. Podilchak and A.P. Freundorfer, PARTEQ Technology, ID 2011-USS, Applied for September 2011.
- 3D Miniaturized Wide-Band Rat-Race Coupler for GNSS Applications realized in LTCC Technology, Damien Rialet, Mathieu Caillet, Michel Clenet and Yahia M.M. Antar, filed Jan 16, 2012
- “Wideband Circularly Polarized Dielectric Resonator Antenna” with Gabriel Massie, Michel Clenet, Mathieu Caillet, Application US Patent No. 8,928,544B2 issued 6 Jan 2015.
Technical Reports:
- M. Caillet, M. Clénet and Y.M.M. Antar, “Broadband miniaturized 3-dB / 90 deg. and 180 deg. power splitters using microstrip technology”, February 2010.
- S. Podilchak, M. Caillet and Y.M.M. Antar, “Functionality and Verification of a Low Data Rate Antenna for a Miniaturized and Low Cost Satellite”, Technical Report, COM DEV International, Jan/Mar/June/October 2010
- S.K. Podilchak, J. Bray and Y.M.M. Antar, “Instruction Manual: Anechoic Chamber Manager”, Training Manual and Report, Communications Securities Establishment Canada (XAEC) December 2009.
- M. Caillet, M. Clénet and Y.M.M. Antar, “Design of a wideband quadrifilar helix antenna with integrated feeding system”, DRDC Technical Report, March 2009.
- M. Caillet, M. Clénet and Y.M.M. Antar, “Broadband miniaturized 3-dB / 90 deg. and 180 deg. power splitters using microstrip technology”, DRDC Technical Report, Feb. 2009.
- S.K. Podilchak, R. Solomon, H. Leong and Y.M.M. Antar “Monostatic and Bistatic Radar Cross-Section Analysis of Large Vessels for High-Frequency Surface-Wave Radar”, Technical Report, Defense Research and Development Canada (DRDC), September 2008.
- M. Caillet, M. Clénet and Y.M.M. Antar, “Study of Phase Quantization Effects on Synthesized Array Factor Having a Main Beam and a Prescribed Null”, DRDC Technical Report, December 2008.
- S.K. Podilchak, Al. P. Freundorfer and Y.M.M. Antar, “Electromagnetic Investigations of a Radome Cover for Automotive Radar at 77 GHz”, Technical Report, Magna International Inc., February 2008.
- Y.M.M. Antar and Z. Fan, “Slot Coupled DRA Elements for Advanced Synthetic Aperture Radar Array”, Research Report, Canadian Space Agency, St. Hubert, Quebec, March 1996.
- J.P.J. Garant, G.A. Morin, Y.M.M. Antar and D.J. Roscoe, “Investigation of a Modular Antenna Array and Feeding Technique for Brick Architecture”. Defence Research Establishment Ottawa, Report No. 1315, September 1997.
- Bruce Henry, Aldo Petosa, Yahia Antar and Gilbert Morin, “Mutual Coupling Between Rectangular Antenna Elements”, DRDC Ottawa, Report No. 1333, May 1998.
- B. Henry, G.A. Morin and Y.M.M. Antar, “Investigation of Rectangular Dielectric Resonator Antenna Elements and Arrays”, Defence Research Establishment Ottawa, Report November 1998.
- B.G. Duffley, G. Morin, Y.M.M. Antar, “Wide Band Printed Dipole Array”, Defence Research Establishment Ottawa, Report January 2000.
- J.C.R. Poirier, J. Moffat, G. Morin and Y.M.M. Antar, “Millimeter Wave Antennas Using an Array of Lenses”, Defence Research Establishment Ottawa, Report No. 2000, November 2.
- Michel Clénet, Yahia M.M. Antar and David Lee, “Array of Laminated Waveguides for Implementation in LTCC Technology”, DRDC, Ottawa TM2006-277, November 2006.
- M. Caillet, M. Clénet and Y.M.M. Antar, “Study of phase quantization effects on synthesized array factor having a main beam and a prescribed null”, December 2008.
- M. Caillet, M. Clénet and Y.M.M. Antar, “Design of a wideband quadrifilar helix antenna with integrated feeding system”, DRDC Technical Report, to be published.